Guilty Crown 12 — We Three Friends From Childhood Are

I thought that Guilty Crown couldn’t possibly get any worse. Boy, was I wrong.

Since it’s Epiphany…

We Three Friends From Childhood Are

We three friends from childhood are.
But our mem’ries  us didst scar.
Best friends bygone, and a brocon
Our story sure is bizarre.

O Sis of Crystal, Sis of Night,
Sis with purple crystals bright.
Shuu deceiving, Gai misleading
Guide us to thy quartzite plight.

Born a king up out of the sea,
With thy lips life entered me.
Jealous ever, loving never,
Death is my gift to thee.

O Sis of Crystal, Sis of Night,
Sis with purple crystals bright.
Shuu deceiving, Gai misleading
Guide us to thy quartzite plight.

Nothing much to offer have I,
Be thee glad I even try.
As your brother, I’ve another.
Die so I steal her eye.

O Sis of Crystal, Sis of Night,
Sis with purple crystals bright.
Shuu deceiving, Gai misleading
Guide us to thy quartzite plight.

Thy bride am I, my magical veil
Makes me scream a piercing wail.
I stole Triton, love thy brother.
Your evil plot will fail.

O Sis of Crystal, Sis of Night,
Sis with purple crystals bright.
Shuu deceiving, Gai misleading
Guide us to thy quartzite plight.

I hate you all, you’re mean and snide.
I loved you and you turned me aside.
Gai is boring, Shuu is whoring.
Screw you, now go and die.

O Sis of Crystal, Sis of Night,
Sis with purple crystals bright.
Shuu deceiving, Gai misleading
Guide us to thy quartzite plight.

Further Ranting

We begin with Gai on his deathbed. Of course Gai is only worried about one thing: Shuu regaining his lost childhood memories. Cue Higurashi eyes.

What did Shuu forget? Oh, but wait, there’s this guy standing here about to take Inori through a purple hole he ripped in the sky. Cue epic chase scene!

What determination! TRANS-AM! TRANS-AM! But Shuu’s advances are rejected by random priest guy.

It turns out that Shuu forgot… that he HAD A SISTER, Mana! And that Gai used to be his best friend! Shuu, you silly boy! So forgetful!

Gai is revived by a long and passionate kiss from Mana. (no, that was not CPR) Shuu and Mana introduce themselves while Gai is still coughing seaweed out of his lungs, and ask him his name. Since Gai’s choking, they decide he has amnesia and forgot his name, so they name him Triton.

Shuu is trapped in a cage of thorns. It turns out that Inori will marry the bad guy (forget his name) and become… *drumroll*… Eve, the mother of a new race! After humanity is destroyed. Come on, how ridiculously evil can you get?

He’s actually proposing to Mana through Inori, who is an artifical human or something. I don’t get it either. Not like it matters.

At this point I thought things couldn’t get any worse.

But then Shuu’s sister comes out of the closet as a brocon. It turns out that Lost Christmas happened and the world was nearly destroyed because Shuu wasn’t a siscon. It’s all his fault.

Now that Shuu remembers, he gains the Power of the King™ and breaks the cage of crystal. He’s about to get stabbed, but Gai comes to the rescue! While Shuu is still about to get raped by a giant crystal eyeball he shouts, “Gai! What about your wounds?!” What an understatement. I thought Gai was dead.

WHAT?! That doesn’t make any sense! Gai wears a cross! Shouldn’t he have a bible in his pocket just for these situations?!

Their childhood relationship makes much more sense if you view it not as a love triangle centered around Mana but as a love triangle centered around Shuu.

Shuu draws the void out of Gai, and Gai runs around and fights with it. Wait a second, I thought drawing the void out made the person fall unconscious and lose their memory. I guess only if it’s convenient that way.

The priest randomly kills the other bad guy and runs away. Okay, sure.

Shuu stabs Mana through Gai’s back. Because of course Shuu couldn’t spend two seconds of the minute Gai spent telling Shuu to stab him through the back to step around Gai and stab only Mana. But wait, I thought they were doing all this to save Mana? I guess the only way to “save” a brocon like her is by killing her. Shuu is no longer a boring, obnoxious doofus anymore. He is a boring, obnoxious doofus who murdered his own sister.

What could this possibly symbolize? Shuu’s exploding sex drive?

Shuu and Inori have a makeup session and cry together about the fact that Shuu just killed his “best friend” and his sister. How sad.

I wonder where this show will go next. It seems like they’re setting it up for Shuu to become the new resistance leader. Hopefully they have a timeskip and Shuu is less of a teenage asshole. Otherwise I can’t see this working. (Ok, fine, I can’t see it working either way, but…)

13 thoughts on “Guilty Crown 12 — We Three Friends From Childhood Are

  1. I think grabbing Gai’s hand had something to do with him no losing consciousness, it seemed like Gai knew what he was doing.
    And I’m pretty sure they said the fortress was Mana’s void manifested, but it couldn’t symbolize Shu’s sex drive, seeing as he didn’t have much to begin with. Maybe it symbolized…I dunno, the loss of Gai? Seems fitting, he was awesome after all, until, y’know, he revealed that he actually looked up to Shu at one point.

    1. Even if there is some explanation, you should generally try to reveal this at some point other than the final battle where no one is even surprised.

      It could also symbolize the collapse of Shuu’s (non-existent) sex drive.

      he was awesome after all, until, y’know, he revealed that he actually looked up to Shu at one point.

      Haha, I wouldn’t go as far as “awesome”, but he definitely became infinitely more pathetic when this was revealed.

  2. Draggle, what a noble task you’ve appointed yourself with. Writing about Guilt Crown is as noble as you can get, man. Stop hurting yourself or you might pull a Kanba!

  3. Damn….just..damn…Shu! Your life really blows right now you killed Gai and your sister? But at least you saved the fake Inori…but ya the rest of the team is going to hate you!

    Best parts? Yandere Inori/momo so awesome….and creepy with the blood lipstick, and she was creepy! wanting to get with Shu…

    This felt like a ending episode to me like the season is over or something? I am interested to see what happens next! I would love a time jump with Shu as leader of the funeral parlor with an older Inori? But not sure how that would work…after all this is a 22 episode series.

    1. That bloody lipstick scene was pretty good. Nice way to become creepy.

      It felt like an ending to me too. I have no idea where they plan to go from here. I guess the purple-haired guy is still around…

  4. “What could this possibly symbolize? Shuu’s exploding sex drive?”

    I laughed.

    “Let’s use our genes to make a new world.”

    What would you do?

  5. Yandere Mana looked pretty awesome though XD I actually think the reveal about the past was interesting, but the stuff that happened in the present was all bleh. And memory loss is always something that gets overused to crappy results.

    People might want my head on a silver platter for this, but I think the world-building planning of the show is decent enough. It’s the actual writing and characters and stuff that make it so blargh. That’s what irritates me so much, I keep watching because I’m curious about the world of GC but everything else about it pisses me off.

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