Diabolik Lovers — First Impressions


A girl moves to a house filled with rapists.

This is based on an otome game, which means the girl is going to fall in love with each of her rapists in turn.






I can’t watch this.

24 thoughts on “Diabolik Lovers — First Impressions

  1. Aaaaand this is the third “first impression” post I read that says the same exact thing. I begin to get the feeling there’s a trend there…

    1. Absolutely. Still, while Enzo always tries to put things smoothly as not to sound too scornful, Scamp tries to play down the horror by joking, and Draggle is blunt and to the point, all three opinions may be summed in these simple words: Diabolik Lovers is an offense to humanity and to all that is good.

  2. Haha,

    I watched the first episode because someone on twitter was impressed when she read about how disturbing the game was.

    Then after the first episode, I decided to research the game because I was curious about just how disturbing the game actually was.

    I was not disappointed.

    If you ever get the time and you want to see what kinds of interesting things writers can come up with, you should read the series’es wiki (or better yet, play it).

    Here is a sample (SPOILERS but I highly doubt anyone cares):

    You know that Kanato (purple hair) kid? When he was younger, his mother always neglected him.

    She would have sex with his uncle right in front of him and pay no heed to him whatsoever.

    So, when she died, he decided to burn her corpse and store her ashes in his teddy bear. Now no one can have her but him.

    The brothers are actually half-brothers. They are the children of 3 different mothers I believe.

    The eldest two share a mother. The 2nd eldest (the prim and proper Reiji ) was always jealous of how much attention his mother and everyone else paid to his brother Shu.

    So, he started a fire and killed Shu’s best and only friend. He also hired an assassin to kill his mother (the assassin succeeded).

    So, yeah! This is quite creatively disturbing.

    It is not much consolation, but I guess it is a good thing that the brothers are presented in an actual evil manner and not in a ‘good guys who rape’ manner? Not sure about that though since I haven’t actually played the game.

    1. Great. Now my task as the player is, to console these guys, because they are hot, help them overcome their tragic past, and sleep with them? Ha. Ha ha ha ha. This is a new low level.

    2. “It is not much consolation, but I guess it is a good thing that the brothers are presented in an actual evil manner and not in a ‘good guys who rape’ manner? Not sure about that though since I haven’t actually played the game.”

      I’m not sure. Seems like this is part of some kind of masochistic fetish (at least is the impression I got from the reaction of some fangirls). Which doesn’t make it any less nauseating.

  3. I’m only watching it because Yuki Kaji is Kanato’s voice actor.
    If you watch episode two, one of the guys picks her up, throws her into a pool and tells her to say he’s the best. Obviously, she can’t swim and starts drowning, so he jumps in to save her and whaddya know, bites her.

    In the most recent episode, two of the vamps play a game of darts and the winner ‘gets the girl’.

    I just hope she never actually gets raped, that would be a whole new level of low for shows/games like this.

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