Haiyore! Nyaruko-san W — First Impressions


I love this show.

Nyaruko is hilarious.


As is Kuuko.


Now if Hasta could just roll over and die it would be perfect. Or just be quiet. Is there really a need for Hasta to comment at the end of every single conversation?

11 thoughts on “Haiyore! Nyaruko-san W — First Impressions

  1. May I?


  2. OreShura DVDs, special effects budgets and cosplay cafes…What more could you want? The fork! The fork! Not a lot that matches my tastes this spring, so this will be a much anticipated high point in the week.

  3. “Is there really a need for Hasta to comment at the end of every single conversation?” Absolutely my words. It ruins half of the enjoyment. Almost all of the rest is ruined by the exceeding level of hilariousness. I don’t enjoy Nayruko any more. Only good thing for me is Kuuko. But I’m not sure if she’s cute enough to keep me watching.

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