Some of the best moments in anime are epic, unforgettable changes which will leave nothing the same ever again. Others are what seem like small details: minor, perhaps insignificant, but together they make up the crux of the story. Today’s moment is one of these times from Fate / Zero. It’s insignificant in the grand scheme of things, perhaps, but still unforgettable.
Rider and Waver are sitting and watching TV at home, while Rider gathers data for his plan to conquer the world. Bill Clinton’s face appears on TV, and Rider says that Clinton “might prove to be a more formidable opponent than even Darius III.”
Compared to all of the exciting action sequences in Fate / Zero, this moment may seem like an odd choice. But it was devastatingly effective. From this one line, I began laughing uproariously, was led to realize Rider’s disconnect from the modern world, and my imagination began to explode with visions of what this battle would look like. Does anyone have any links to some fan fiction?
(Also, for those who don’t get the title: have fun.)
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Ahh, yes, The Ultimate Showdown of Ultimate Destiny, one of the first videos I liked on the internet, or at least one that I remember liking.
I think I still have both the mp3 and the downloaded video somewhere.
Rider is hilarious. He really is! I want to summon him as my servant. 🙁
Same here. It’s a great video. 🙂
Rider might have won the Republican debate last night, if given the chance.
Kindergarten Rin could have won the Republican debate last night. I could have won the Republican debate last night. You could have won the Republican debate last night.
Rider doesn’t acknowledge Saber as a king. Can you imagine what he would think of Newt Gingrich, Rick Perry and Michelle Bachmann? I don’t think he would have even invited them to drink with him. Although he did seem to respect Clinton as a worthy adversary, so who knows… they certainly aren’t lacking in greed, at least.