I am draggle. I like to watch anime and write stuff about it. To contact me, leave a comment or email me at domainname at domainname dot org (where domainname = draggle).
If you’d like to be added to my blogroll, please let me know!
I am draggle. I like to watch anime and write stuff about it. To contact me, leave a comment or email me at domainname at domainname dot org (where domainname = draggle).
If you’d like to be added to my blogroll, please let me know!
Hi there. I was googling some stuffs and stumbled upon your blog. The first thing that caught my attention was your banner. I know this is random but may I ask who that green hair boy on your banner is? I remember seeing him in some anime, but I can’t remember which to save my life. All I remember is that he uses some ring toss (?) magic and is initially seen as a traitor or something…Thanks so much! And of course, very cool site you got here. 😀
That’s Volken McMarney from Book of Bantorra, your memory is mostly right. Glad you like the site!
hehe i saw your blog when i was googling Ohana’s rival and your posts are awesome! >< i will visit often for your new updates
Glad you liked them! Thanks!
Looks like I stumbled upon another interesting blogger. Nice to meet you, draggle. Looking forward to reading up on your post ^^
Welcome, glad to have you here!
Added you to my blogroll as requested ^^
Looking forward to reading more of your material.
Hi! I just noticed you added Hachimitsu to your blogroll, thank you! I hope you don’t mind me adding you to my links as well. I-If you’re okay with that of course!
I- It’s okay!
Oh my goodness, I was in shock to see you follow me on tumblr. I am absolutely in love with your blog and your Mawaru Penguindrum posts. It is truly fabulous max!
Oh haha , glad you like it! I found your tumblr after you liked my Haro soccer gif, and saw all the Penguindrum pictures. It is also Fabulous Max!
Hi Draggle,
Would you be interested in exchanging bloglinks? =)
Sure, I added you.
Hey there draggle!
Would you be interested in a link exchange? Thanks and keep up the awesome blogging!
umm what is the that anime called where the guy has a skirt on
and the other 2dont
Daily Lives of High School Boys?
Hello, Draggle
I have read and like you blog a lot. Would you like to exchange links? (do take a look at my blog) Thank you 🙂
Sure, looks like a nice site! I added you.
Hi draggle. You sure watch a lot of anime this season! I can’t compete with that 🙂
I think we have a very different taste when it comes to anime, which is a good thing because I can get a second opinion on series I wouldn’t usually watch.
I was wondering if you would like to exchange blogroll links with my website. Please let me know if you are interested and I’ll add you.
Sure, I added you. I saw that you also liked Simoun so we both have good taste where it matters.
But you should change your blogs name! No one’s going to remember a site called “Anime Reviews” (says the guy who writes at ____’s Anime Blog)
Thank you! I’ve added you as well.
Hi, I found your site while searching for anime related site.
Thus, I’d like to know if you are still interested for link exchange.
Looking forward. Thanks.
Sorry, I only do link exchanges with other blogs, not with file sharing / viewing sites.
interested to join i am…[yoda]
? To join the blog? I’m not looking for other writers at the moment.
i prefer being the reader then the writer….
Ah, excellent!
Hey Draggle, I’ve been following your website recently because I found it to be most awesome, both with regard to the posts and the design of the website. I really like this theme.
I would love to exchange blogrolls with you! Would that be possible?
Have a look! 😀
Sure, I added you. Glad you like the site and the new theme!
I’m very Interested in what your doing, I have been into Anime for 3 years now, but I’m having trouble fueling my interests. Any suggestions for cool blogs or channels?
Two of my favorite blogs are http://moesucks.com and http://animekritik.wordpress.com/ (although he hasn’t updated in a while), I’d recommend checking them out. Also see my blogroll.
For audio shows, you might like http://animeaudiolog.wordpress.com, I appeared on there once and it was fun.
Hello there Draggle!! Do you mind exchanging links with me? Though I already put your site on my blogroll. That’s how much I like your blog 🙂
Sure, I added you
Hey, this is Deadlights from Deadlights’ Anime Blog. I’m starting a podcast with Guardian Enzo from Lost in America and Psgels from Star Crossed Anime Blog. I’m looking for one more member and I was wondering if you would be interesting in participating/helping. Thanks!
P.S. we’re just going over what the Summer season will look like
Hey, this is ZabiLegacy from over at Sekijitsu. I was wondering if you’d by any chance like to put us on your blogroll. We’re also pretty partial to some sort of guest blogging arrangement. I see your going to be gone alot next month and a guest post or two could help you keep momentum.
Sure, I added you. If you want to write a guest post that would be great!
I really love your articles, and I use your site as one of my main sources for all anime news and reviews. Great writing and insight!
I really love when a good show combines great music, and I’ve got something I wanted to pass along your way I think you’d appreciate. It’s an ode to late great producer Nujabes and is a cool, unique remix to his Samurai Champloo track “Shikki No Uta.” Check it out, and see if you like it!
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j2ptuZxShBg – Four In
Take care and keep up the great work!
Thanks for sharing! It seems to have been taken down from youtube though…
Nah, it’s up! Should work 😉
Konnichiwaaa i have a group/page on facebook that is based on anime -games and manga.We are new so i wish to ask for your support in order for us to increase our members. If you wish to attend and become part of our small anime community you re more than welcome to share ideas- creation -thoughts anyhting you wish in general ^^.I hope you take my request in deep considderation and become part of our small anime family. For any further questions you can contact me on facebook
Corina Cornaflake
Arigato gozaimashu
It’s refreshing to see a concise blog amidst a sea of thesis writing anime reviewers. Nice blog man 🙂
I’m just really lazy… but thanks haha
Loving your blog <3 Mind adding me to your blogroll? 😀 Im going to make a blogroll soon and I will definitely add you 🙂
I kinda like your blog….
Why aren’t u posting anything anymore?
I luv ur content….
I started my blog too :
Pls Continue ur blog
I’m lazy
You’re a bad critic… you see always the bad things if you don’t like one anime ( but of course you don’t say it out loud that… And you make people less enthusiastic because of that )
How dare I say negative things about anime
Yep, he is probably a male who mostly dislikes.
Hey Draggle!
I’m Bradly from SenpaiWares I work with a variety of anime social media presences and I found your blog on Google!
We’re an upcoming anime & cosplay store that is looking to branch out and support bloggers and people with a keen interest like ourselves, we were wondering if you would be willing to review some of our products for us, specifically authentic Japanese Candy and possibly some Apparel!
Does this sound like something you would be interested in?
Please Let me know what you think!
Hi there,
I love your site and the topics you cover are really fun and interesting, in-fact it inspired me to create my own content. I have my own website called techanimate.com which covers very similar things to your site such as anime and video games.
The reason why I’m contacting you today is because I thought it would be fun to do a guest post for you about anime or gaming. I will create unique content for you and something that your readers will enjoy.
My website: http://techanimate.com/
I look forward to hearing from you
Kind regards
Hi Draggle,
I’m Jeff and I represent the Atsuko Affiliate Program. Atsuko is an e-commerce site created for fans of anime. We carry 100% officially licensed and exclusive apparel, accessories, and more.
We’d love for you to become a partner of ours.
Why join the Atsuko Affiliate Program?
We carry merchandise from the biggest names in anime, such as Dragon Ball Z, Cowboy Bebop, My Hero Academia, Naruto, Tokyo Ghoul and many more.
Our average order value is over $100.
We offer higher commissions and exclusive deals for high performing affiliates.
We can offer you an 8% commission rate on every sale to start off.
I’ve reviewed your website to learn more about your audience and reviews and have come up with the following ideas on how you can make money by promoting Atsuko:
New sections
Shopping Section
Interested? Please reply me for more details on how to get started.
Thanks in advance for your quick reply,
My name is Kato.
I always look forward to your site.
I’m running an anime discussion site, and I was wondering if I could have a mutual link with you?
I would appreciate it if you would consider it.
Best regards,
Are you an anime?
I google for content about anime this afternoon and came across your excellent website.
I want to congratulate you for providing amazing content and adding value to your readers.
I know that you probably receive a bulk of emails every day from the readers of your blog. So, I’ll keep it simple and short.
I am writing a well-researched blog post on the topic [Dragonball: Why Did Majin Vegeta Change His Mind?] which might be a great addition to your blog.
I send you the [Dragonball:Why Did Majin Vegeta Change His Mind?.docx] to publish on your blog.
If you add my Blog to your website, it will benefit your readers a lot.
Looking forward to hearing from you.
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want to do in Heaven; dare to ask for
the impossible and all the gifts YOU
have ever wanted from Me. Expect Me
to hear YOU and fulfill your every desire’
-Jesus •(from ‘Lui et Moi’ [He and I] by
Gabrielle Bossi, trænslatêd)•
Follow us to the Wedding Feast for
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Cya soon, miss gorgeous…
we are interested in a collabration.
you can contact us.
best regrads
follow here: myonepiece-store.com
Hello there fellow weeb I mean blogger. I’m just reaching out because I’ve recently created a similar blog to yours in the anime niche and I’ll be writing content for it for a long time. And so I thought it would be pretty sick if you would allow to me to create a guest post on your dank blog if youd be willing. A post that also includes my link in it as well. I’ll write an article hopefully up to your standards, hope to hear from ya.
My website is https://weebcafe.com
Still a new blog but I’ll be hitting the content hard and I totally enjoy making it.
Hi! I have one burning question. What character is your avatar from?? I swear it’s like a star alien, so familiar yet I can’t seem to figure it out.
Shadow Star Narutaru!
Hello! i was doing some research on Google and came across your just wanted to say I love your site! it’s like jumping into a rabbit hole
Hi draggle,
My daughter, 12, and I have recently opened a PoD store with a focus on anime shirts and hoodies, among other things. I wanted to ask if we could perhaps write a guest post/blog entry/interview for you. Here is the site http://www.cultcloset.com
Please let me know if this is interesting for you and how you could imagine it.
Best regards,
Translated with DeepL.com (free version)
Hey there, Draggle. I’m looking up blogs on anime and impressive to see yours was at the top of the search. I wonder how these algorithms work to connect people in such times.
Looking around I notice the fanatic in you and would like to see if you’d be up to visiting my site and viewing the idea’s there as well. I realize I am not as professional as many would want to be but I believe there is room for growth in a world growth is often not permitted.
My website is all about connecting people to their artistry and who they are connected too as well. Ideas that come to us in our dreams or thought the wire. An influence of thought. Something good or a thought that is seen as horrible to let someone know… “I’ve been there and I want to help other people get out of there.”
Perhaps you are exclusive to posting about anime and if so maybe you’d like to check out my Hollowvault where there are many to be created and formed in due time. I’m sure there is many you’ll find to look forward too.
Of course being a new website, I’ve been working on my craft over a decade now and have been in the search of likeminded people to grow with, though I see you are established; I do hope you do not see your self as a stepping stool and more of two individuals building a another stool together to go higher.
Much that can be said, you hear it all the time, wether we work together or not It would be lovely to hear from you and perhaps tell me about your journey a bit? Like how you got started or how I too can work the internet to have FRONT PAGE ON GOOGLE!?
Anyways, Draggle, thank you for the consideration. May the moon be your guide to whatever you seek.