Competitive butt wrestling.
This anime was amazing. It’s your typical sports show, where the hero trains and gets better and learns new techniques and enters tournaments, except it takes this formula and applies it to the ridiculous sport of Keijo, where you have to use your butt and breasts to push people into the water. Then when someone falls, they show their face on the jumbotron, put a giant ‘X’ mark over it, and the announcer shouts “Loser!!!!” (one of my favorite parts of each episode). The Keijo matches attract thousands of spectators, of all ages and genders, all cheering wildly. That sounds ridiculous enough, right?
But then they take this sport and produce a show such that this ridiculous sport is actually one of the most believable parts of the show. Everyone has crazy powers, all centering on butts, naturally. It was stupid as fuck, absolutely hilarious, and actually legitimately a good anime all at the same time. This is easily the best anime we’ve ever watched in Classy. (Well… not that that’s saying too much…)
Even people who don’t like the perverted stuff might want to give this one a try. It’s so ridiculous I think most anyone will be entertained.
- Storytelling – A – Best sports show I’ve ever watched.
- Voice – A – Lol, yeah.
- Characters – B – They’re unique, but not much depth. None is needed.
- Attention Grab – A – Yes.
- Production – B – Looks fine.
- Overall – A-
Recommendations – Prison School, Shimoneta
I decided to pass this from the intial season chat. Then there was a crunchyroll highlight of one of the characters (can’t remember whom) showcasing Gilgamesh moveset of the fate series. I can’t say I was hooked from the first few seconds but when that scene kicked in I was immediately captivated.
Yeah, that was definitely one of the highlights! UNLIMITED BUTT WORKS
I keep telling dragged it’s a super robot show and not a sports show… maybe it’s a super robot sports show? All the transformation All the shouting of ability names!
Don’t they do those things in sports shows too though? I guess I rarely get past the first episode of sports anime… Only other sports show that I liked and can think of at the moment is Shaolin Soccer
i have a brand new anime or manga featuring a normal fourteen year old boy named Adam lee he lives in Tokyo Japan he lives in a two story house with his parents his older brother named Marcus and his younger sister named Ruth we see Adam’s mother named Susana works as a real estate broker while his father is a scientist and a researcher named Dr Thomas lee his older brother is a college student who wants to become a teacher and his younger sister attends elementary school while Adam is either junior high middle school or high school first year we see Dr Thomas lee discovers a prehistoric extraterrestrial spaceship it arrived on earth during the start of the Triassic era the spacecraft was frozen in ice in the arctic for since the ice age inside the spacecraft a alien girl is found she looks like half tyrannosaurs half stegosaurus and half human the alien girl is also frozen but still remained alive they named the alien with the name of Evangelina.