High school students fight in mecha against space Nazi communist vampires from the Vatican.
Valvrave was one of my favorite shows of the year. It is completely ridiculous: it plays with the same elements as every other mecha show, but doesn’t bother to cover up how silly they are. The result is hilarious. We have people getting emo over nothing, senators pulling automatic weapons out of their pockets and opening fire on unarmed students, and the power of song and dance raising money to fund a nation. I haven’t laughed so hard at anything for a while.
Be warned, however, that Valvrave is not for everyone. I think that in order to appreciate it you have to already have an appreciation of mecha. And be able to laugh at yourself and what you enjoy. I can. But sadly not everyone has such excellent taste as me.
- Storytelling – A- An epic tale that will be remembered for centuries to come!
- Voice – A – So fabulous and so shameless!
- Characters – A – Eru-Erufu and Haruto taught me what true love is.
- Attention Grab – A – Never lost interest for a moment.
- Production – B – Look good.
- Overall – A-
Recommendations – Code Geass, AKB0048
Thanks to watching Valvrave, I always put sugar in my coffee now
I always put sugar in my coffee too. (I never drink coffee though so the point is moot.)
Personally, I would like to see that naïve whore Shoko killed on the spot so I can laugh at her death for being stupidly naïve.
Yeah, that would have been nice… At least as some consolation, she gets to live forever reflecting on her stupid naïvety.
I thought everyone in anitwitter hated Valvrave! Thank goodness I found this positive review for the show!
Completely agreed!
Nope! I loved valvrave!