If you’re looking for more anime blogs to read, here are some you may be interested in:
- 9 Tailed Kitsune
- Anime B&B: A gourmet anime blogger who makes anime delicious.
- Anime Maru: The funniest anime blog.
- Anime Monographia: Had to look up what a monographia was in the dictionary.
- Avvesione’s Anime Blog: Like me but less lazy.
- Beneath the Tangles: The intersection of anime and religion.
- The Cart Driver: Not sure if Scamp is Lelouch, but he’s an S that’s whipping Shinmaru and Inu-chan to pull the cart.
- Chikorita157’s Anime Blog: The most handsome anime blogger I have ever known.
- Fantastic Memes: The best blog written by a lolicon.
- Lost in America: I’m still lost at how Enzo manages to write so much so quickly.
- Moar Powah: Some guys who don’t know how to spell.
- Moe Sucks: The most pretentious guy I’ve ever met who hates all the anime!
- Nichi Nichi-chan: What a tsundere.
- Organization Anti-Social Geniuses: A shadowy anti-social organization. I’ll leave you to judge on the “geniuses” part.
- Otaku Diary
- Standing on my Neck: 100% dedicated to Jormungand.
- World Without Horizons
- Yahari Bento: Needs more Ben-to.
Dead / Nearly Dead
- AceRailgun: A bro among bros.
- Anime Cataclysm: Let justice be done, through heaven’s fall. ?
- Anime Vios: Anime is raifu.
- Amateur Rambling: Secretly a pro at rambling. Don’t try to deny it.
- Anime Princess: The princess Lostty writes editorials from her royal tower.
- Anime Reviews: In the anime blog world, Anime Reviews You!
- Anime Viking: Worst taste in anime ever.
- Canne’s Anime Reviews: Canne you check out Canne’s Anime Reviews?!!!
- Channel Japan: Anime and everything about Japan from the Japanese perspective!
- Chromatic Aberration Everywhere: Have no clue what the name is supposed to mean but it’s pretty darn good!
- The Classiest Anime: I write here with some friends about quality anime.
- Cholisose!: My favorite blogger with an unpronounceable name.
- Deadlight’s Anime Blog: Not as dead as he sounds.
- DereMoe: They’re pretty tsun and I have it on good authority they aren’t cute at all.
- Desu Ex Machina: Took me a year or two to realize the first word wasn’t “deus”.
- EmptyBlue: Hello, You should check out feal87’s wallpapers and episodic posts. See you soon, draggle.
- Ephemeral Dreamer: A liar. I met him once and he was wide awake.
- flomu: Only updates now to post obituaries.
- Hachimitsu: This is not the greatest anime blog in the world (mine), it is just a tribute.
- Illogicalzen: More logical than they want you to believe.
- John Sato: A world-renowned expert on Queen’s Blade.
- Kritik der Animationskraft: Preeminent Leijiverse scholar. Come back! *cries*
- Lemmas and Submodalities: My only worthy rival at words with friends. Also she loves Queen’s Blade, although she is afraid to ruin her reputation by admitting it.
- Listless Ink: A yuri-loving fashionista.
- Nopy’s Blog: Yes Pie!!! Yes!
- Nyan Time (español): Mi favorito blogger que escribe en español.
- Offshore Anime: A fresh patch of ideas by windyturnip.
- Oishii Anime: No one but chii is crazy enough to do 365 days of school uniforms.
- O-New: A bunch of lunatics.
- Otaku Tree: Hang them on the tree.
- Sea Slugs: She sells sea slugs down by the sea shore.
- Sekijitsu: They seem to swallow up everyone Mushy and vuc didn’t get.
- Shades of Grey Manga: Now in technicolor.
- Shinde Iie Anime Blog: You can’t trust someone who names their blog after a transcription of moon runes.
- Shiizumi Anime Blog: I can’t think of a dumb pun.
- Subdued Fangirling: I’m not convinced the subdued part is accurate.
- Wraith Seeker: Did he find any???
Bloggers / Tweeters I have met in real life:
- Avvesione
- Balloon Thief
- CanipaShow
- Charles
- cr4zydave
- Di-Dorval
- emperorj
- EphemeralDreamer
- Executive Otaku
- frog_kun
- gendomike
- Guardian Enzo
- iblessall
- illegenes
- Inushinde
- Justin
- Kevo
- Marina
- Mark
- MrFlawfinder
- n4gaiyume
- Nick
- normalmar
- otou-san
- Redball
- Reiseng
- Rick Dom
- sammdere
- satchiikoma
- Slashe
- Seth
- Shinmaru
- snippettee
- SorrowsNeptune
- uncreativecat
- Usny
- violaxcore
- Yumeka
- ZeroReq011
your blog is great!
I was just wondering if you would like to exchange links with my website?
my site details:
Url: http://cosplaygallery.net/
Title (anchor text): Cosplay Gallery
With best Regards
Sorry, at the moment I’m only including anime and manga blogs, not cosplay blogs
Hey what’s up, my name is nick and i run a anime and gaming channel on youtube, the link above is my latest amv, check it out if you don’t mind and maybe share it on your blog, it has gained some traction in only 5 hours, I’m still new on you tube so it’s only 5 views but it’s a big deal for someone like me. Thanks
I run an anime internet radio station/blog and was hoping to do a link exchange with your blog. We average around 150-200 unique visitors a day all who are interested in anime. We have a sidebar section for affiliates where we can link to you.
If you are interested just shoot me an email.
Cheers mate,
Hello, i am a fashion designer and i have recently finished my latest collection. I was inspired by Bleach swords. I made three looks I was wondering would you be interested in it, for you blog or would you know of anybody who would. Check out my page on facebook!
Hope to hear from you!
Hi draggle! Can you check out our website deremoe.com? Thanks.
P.S. My technical head here loved reading your blog once.
Actually I already read your site. (Sorry I don’t have time to comment much…) Added you to the list!
> They’re pretty tsun and I have it on good authority they aren’t cute at all.”
Pretty much accurate.
You have such a huge list of anime blogs… It will take me a whole week to explore these…
I’ve started an anime related blog of my own. If you get the time please do check it out!
Arigato Draggle-San!
Looks nice! Keep up the good work!
Comment indicating possible desire to join the pre-existing pantheon present on page but which doesn’t want to come across as desperate because starfish.
I have visited your blog. I want to become a link exchange with you.
Please check out my blog.
thank you
I only include blogs.
Blog link exchange?
*sweats profusely in anticipation*
Of course! Added!
Hey! I’m making a blogroll, would you like to trade links? ( http://anime-cataclysm.blogspot.in/ ) Would also love to here your feedback on my blog! 🙂 – Thank You Very Much.
Sure, I added you. Your site looks very pretty! I’m interested in seeing how your top ten list changes as you watch more anime. 🙂
Thank You Very Much for your feedback! I’ve added you to my blogroll as well.
Is it a sin to mix anime, manga, and life lessons? (Do not be mislead; I don’t only write life lessons stuff, but I also rant in my blog.)
Please check out my blog: http://animeraifu.wordpress.com/
Hey I am interested in trading links. I blog about anime episodes that I like at http://www.wraithseeker.com/category/anime/
Hi Draggle! Consider Deremoe as dead as well. Thanks!
Add Me to your list 🙂
Heya! It’s Kindle from https://nichinichichan.wordpress.com/
I’m on the hunt for blogs that does link exchanges and my travel lead me to this place. My blog is fairly new, but I’m pretty much sticking to it 365/24/7. I’ve already added yours, and I’d be happy if mine gets added in yours as well!
Cool, nice site! I added you.
Your blog is great!
I was just wondering if you would like to exchange links with my website?
My site details:
Url: http://zenoanime.com/
Title (anchor text): Watch Anime Online , English Sub Anime Online
Thanks you very much !!!
With best Regards
Sorry, I only put links to blogs, not streaming sites!
Do you mind if I want to exchange blog link with yours?
My blog is Yahari Bento.
In Depth Anime/Manga/LN analysis (especially Oregairu) & some reviews in one blog/box.
I will paste your link in “Sushi Roll” page. I will be glad if you accept this. ;3
Nice site! I added you.
thanks so much! @draggle. 😀
Hey Draggle,
My name is Wan Wei Han. Hope it hasn’t been too long since, and I hope you still remember us. We used to be the former WWHCurrent Anime & Manga Blog.
While we retain WWHCurrent as our corporate identity, today we are more known as World Without Horizons (for the world of anime and manga is truly without horizons). Today we are more of a news/reviews platform rather than our old blog, but the main team behind it is roughly the same people as before. We aim to seek and help promote not only the new relationships we made but also the old amazing websites we’ve met way back when.
We are looking to put the amazing websites we love over the years on this page (https://worldwithouthorizons.com/about-us/). We are also looking towards exchanging links this way.
Do let me know what you think! Have a nice week!
Cool, I updated it for you!
nice blog bro. been reading since 2017. you always have great insights