Dantalian no Shoka 10 — More of the Same

I want to throw a plate at this show too.

The Usual Pattern

Huey and Dalian randomly meet someone in the park who has a phantom book. They follow her to the concert, but get tied up by criminals. No one seems all that concerned. The two of them sit on the sidelines as someone gets killed by a randomly introduced gangster who’s the real bad guy. Huey and Dalian don’t bother with the resurrection book this time, he’s not worth the effort. The problem resolves itself without their interference, and Huey and Dalian run away.

The first half dozen or so times, this setup was relatively fresh and clever, but by now it has long outlived its welcome.

More Complaints

  • We have the usual jokes where Dalian acts cute, such as when she is held up by the policeman, and when she throws a plate at Huey. He deserved that one, it did sound awful. But this is getting old…
  • At the end of the episode, why did they feel the need to have Huey state the obvious and repeat himself? “Why did she play Twilight?” Um… maybe because her maker just died? Does this really take that much imagination?
  • We get a new scene inside the library again. But did anything new actually happen? I don’t think so.


Usually I distract myself from the actual episode by thinking about all the tie-ins, but this week’s episode was even lacking on that front.

There was a fictitious 16th century composer named Guillermo Baldini, so it seems reasonable to conclude the 18th century version is also fictitious.

And… that’s it. I’m honestly thinking this show should have been given less time than a single season (perhaps an OVA).

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9 thoughts on “Dantalian no Shoka 10 — More of the Same

  1. Last week I started to read your posts on this before watching the episode myself. It makes the viewing more enjoyable. I almost died laughing when Huey asked about the moronic question about Twilight thinking back of what you wrote. I’m glad it’s a 1-cour.

  2. I agree that this series would have made a much better OVA at this point. Or maybe a better movie, but I guess it would depend on which arc they would adapt for it.

    1. I don’t know— a movie seems kind of long for just one of the arcs. Twenty minutes seems too long for many of the arcs, actually…

  3. At the end of the episode, why did they feel the need to have Huey state the obvious and repeat himself? “Why did she play Twilight?” Um… maybe because her maker just died? Does this really take that much imagination?

    Urgh, yes. It really bothers me when relatively simple questions can be avoided by the staff being more proactive and doing a storyboard that more effectively conveys Christabel’s sorrow rather than depending on two characters to explain the situation to the audience.

    1. The funny thing is, I thought that the show did convey her sorrow to the audience. Her actions spoke for themselves. So I would say that not only was it terrible storytelling, it was also entirely unnecessary.

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