Holy Pose: Healing (NSFW) — Eleven Days of Advent and One Day of Christmas #2

One of my highlights for the year was doing the Queen’s Blade Colloquiums with the folks from The Classiest Anime (our work there is still ongoing, if you’re interested, although it’s no longer being cross-posted to this site).

Queen’s Blade: Rebellion was actually quite fun to watch in a group. Now don’t get me wrong, it’s a horrible show. But it’s so ridiculously perverted that it’s funny.

The highlight came in the finale episode. Our heroines were fighting the final battle against the evil queen (or something… I try not to think too much about it). Two of our heroines, China Dress Girl #1 and China Dress Girl #2 had fallen in battle. So our priestess runs over to them to give some quick battlefield healing.

She proceeds to grind this stick in her ass for the next minute.

In the world of Queen’s Blade, this is a prayer to God— Holy Pose: Healing. (we can only conclude that the God of the Queen’s Blade universe is one messed up guy)

The prayer is answered, and the wounded are healed in time for the final battle.

7 thoughts on “Holy Pose: Healing (NSFW) — Eleven Days of Advent and One Day of Christmas #2

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