In this exciting installment of Oda Nobuna no Yabou, our hero spends the first third of the episode fantasizing about each adult female character in turn. Then he takes four little girls on a date to Kyoto.
No, I’m not exaggerating. This show has become disappointing, to say the least.
I don’t want to think about it anymore, let’s jump straight to the real-life historical counterparts of our new characters.
Historical Context
There are a ton of new people this time. There is no way I will be able to keep all these people straight. I guess the intended audience is more familiar with Japanese history so it’s less of a chore, but still, some of these people are pretty obscure.
- Ashikaga Yoshiteru: This is the shogun who
waswasn’t killed when the Miyoshi three attacked Kyoto. Oda Nobunaga had earlier traveled to Kyoto to meet him. - Konoe Sakihisa: A court noble. He’d later accompany Oda Nobunaga on one of his campaigns.
- Tsuda Soukyuu: merchant of Sakai. Couldn’t find much on him outside the games.
- Shoukakuin Gousei: master of the Hiei mountain temples. Same as above.
- Miyoshi Three: were these supposed to be the three soldiers who were kneeling before the above three? Or were some of the above three among the ones plotting against the Shogun? Konoe Sakihisa at least didn’t seem to be, but I was confused on this point.
- Matsunaga Hisahide: The woman with the magic sleep powers, known as Danjo. He fought Nobunaga and lost for control of Kyoto. Later he served Nobunaga, but eventually betrayed him. He committed suicide and destroyed his priceless tea kettle so Nobunaga couldn’t have it. I think I remember this from Hyouge Mono.
- Himiko: The princess shrine maiden or whatever she is. Not sure who she corresponds to, anyone know?
- Date Masamune (Bontenmaru): This was his actual nickname. He was sympathetic to Christians, although as far as I could tell had nothing to do with Luis Frois.
- Luis Frois: A Jesuit monk who came to Japan and befriended Nobunaga.
- Asakura Yoshikage: Became regent of Kyoto, would fight a lot with Nobunaga. (who didn’t fight a lot with Nobunaga?)
@draggle look at my comment at sword art online episode 7 and post there please what do you think about the next episode by the the way thanks for the review of yabou
Sorry, I am lazy and take a while to respond to comments sometimes. Not looking forward to Asuna’s cooking, but it can’t be much worse than the last three episodes.
Himiko may well be Himiko, Empress of Japan (Yamato) at the dawn of time. Or a reincarnation thereof.
She’s probably meant to represent a gender-bent emperor of the time period.
I’ve been enjoying this series up until this episode, really. I wish they’d spent more time with Nobuna’s successful campaign, instead of following Monkey around Kyoto.
That’s the only Himiko I could find as well. Most of the other characters seem to be quite close to historical parallels, so it seems kind of odd that she’s so different. But you’re probably right that she is just a genderbent emperor.
I have the same wish. The actually campaigning is pretty interesting. But the show bogs down when it focuses on Saru’s harem-building exercises.
“Tsuda Soukyuu: merchant of Sakai. Couldn’t find much on him outside the games.” Please excuse if this is a dumb question but is the series referring to some actual existing game?
Maybe it’s just her hair colour but Matsunaga somewhat reminds me of the dreaded Misa Grandwood.
I hope Imagawa Yoshimoto will appear again (as Nobuna plans to install her as shogun). She’s cute and bratty.
Ah, yes, remember how Saru said he learned everything about the Sengoku period from the games? There is this series of games called Nobunaga’s Ambition that are apparently quite popular in Japan. Unfortunately the vast majority of them have never been released outside of Japan. I’ve never played any before.
Wasn’t Matsunaga’s hair kind of purplish, or am I getting her mixed up with someone else? She does have a similar smirk to Misa if I recall correctly though.
Imagawa Yoshimoto is one of my favorites as well. Definitely needs more screentime over these little girls.