Let me gloat for a moment. I totally called it. Continue reading Zetsuen no Tempest 20 — The Mage of Exodus
Tag Archives: zetsuen no tempest
Zetsuen no Tempest 19 — The Civilization Blaster
Finally we know what this “Civilization Blaster” subtitle is about. Apparently the Trees of Genesis and the Trees of Exodus are tools built by aliens to keep the Earthlings in check. Maybe. Well, ok, sure, cool. Whatever, let’s get back to Hakaze glomping Yoshino. Continue reading Zetsuen no Tempest 19 — The Civilization Blaster
Zetsuen no Tempest 18 — Revenge
Quite the interesting scene at the start of the episode, when Hakaze realizes she may already have caused Aika to die. Hakaze is angry at Yoshino for not being angry. Specifically, for not being angry at her. Continue reading Zetsuen no Tempest 18 — Revenge
Zetsuen no Tempest 17 — Romcom Deductions
When this show is a romantic comedy it’s great. I hope that having Yoshino’s girlfriend revealed doesn’t cast us back into serious mode. Continue reading Zetsuen no Tempest 17 — Romcom Deductions
Zetsuen no Tempest 16 — Abusing Shakespeare
Why does this show feel the need to heavy-handedly mention Shakespeare at every opportunity? Can’t their show stand on its own merits? I don’t get it.
Take the quote above. What the hell is that supposed to have to do with anything? Usually when you quote something you take a good quote that says something about the topic under discussion. “Seems, madam! Nay it is; I know not ‘seems.'” This is an awful quote. In context it means something, but out of context it’s completely useless. It doesn’t even sound particularly good. Zetsuen no Tempest appears to flip to a random page of Shakespeare and choose a line. “Oh, look, it’s Shakespeare, this is some brilliant writing!” No it’s not. Not when you just take a random not-particularly impressive line out of context. Continue reading Zetsuen no Tempest 16 — Abusing Shakespeare