The Week in Anime Winter 2015 #7 — Sticking our Hands in Raraiya’s Crotch


Gundam G Reconguista — What the hell. I still haven’t the foggiest idea what’s going on. I swear, this is the most incomprehensible anime I have ever watched.

Jojo — My goodness. What is it with these grown men and their potty problems.


Yoru no Yatterman — Once again, creatures serve the Yater Kingdom to the point of death instead of the Yatter Kingdom serving its creatures. And awww that dinosaur was cute.

Tokyo Ghoul Root A — FINALLY this show is back on track, focusing on Ken and Touka. Not that it makes up for the complete waste of time in the first half of this season.


Shirobako — Jesus! What an asshole. And I thought Tarou was bad. The addition of this guy to the cast certainly puts things in perspective.

I’m still loving Shirobako though. It’s a great portrayal of being an adult. I’ve heard people say, “and that’s why it’s boring”, but I don’t see it that way. Sure, it’s just like being an adult, but it’s distilled and distorted into the essence of things through someone else’s ideas. You watch it and you see your own life in ways you thought about but didn’t quite grasp fully before.

2 thoughts on “The Week in Anime Winter 2015 #7 — Sticking our Hands in Raraiya’s Crotch

  1. I don’t think Shirobako is awful by any stretch, but I very much DO think it’s kind of boring. Everything in Shirobako is stultifyingly predictable. While I’ll grant that being an adult, or working at a job, really can be dreadfully rote and oppressive, rarely are the lessons it teaches so flatly bland and standard. Seldom is there a kindly old person in the next cubicle to show you the ropes or an understanding co-worker to force you to take a walk in the park to clear your head. All things considered, Shirobako is a pretty whitewashed version of adulthood, and as a result, I think a less than wholly interesting one to anyone but an anime fan who wants to feel like he’s seeing the curtain pulled back.

    1. Sure, it’s simplified such that things can move along more quickly, and things are way more messy in reality. But I think it dos a great job of communicating the sense of ennui and hopelessness and the feeling of “what now?”

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