Ch. 39 Summary: Satomi tries to kill Shiina on a school trip. Norio knocks her unconscious, but her dragon child still tries to kill Shiina. We see a flashback in which criticism for Satomi failing a test is interspersed with sex scenes.
Ch 40 Summary: Shiina’s mom and another lady talk about the dragon children, life and death. (This chapter is omitted entirely from the official English translation. But it doesn’t add too much… mostly talking about how dragons are all other types of monsters too, how the dragon children are like larva, and how they aren’t alive.)
Ch. 41 Summary: Satomi has been broken. Shiina’s mom tells Sudou not to try to save the world (lol).
Ch. 42 Summary: Shiina chills out in the hospital.
Ch. 43 Summary: Shiina’s mom and dad talk. We learn that her dad is leaving for work next week and her mom once tried to strangle her.
Ch. 44 Summary: Shiina runs away from home to spend the night with Tsurumaru and Norio.
What Just Happened?
We’re finally getting to the parts of the story where I have no idea what to make of things. Up until this point Narutaru has been strange, disgusting and sadistic, but comprehensible. But now where at the point where things start getting weird. Seriously weird. Ch. 39 in particular. So any help my readers can provide in clarifying things would be greatly appreciated. I don’t remember too much from my first time reading the manga after this point, so my speculation may be wildly off.
So, we start off with Satomi trying to murder Shiina on the school field trip. Then Norio knocks Satomi out with a taser. Perfectly normal up until this point. But then:

Amapola sprouts a body. And while Satomi is unconscious (recall, the dragon children are supposed to share sensations and be fully controlled by their bearer) Amapola continues to attempt to kill Shiina. (If you’ve read the later chapters, also note that Takeo is unconscious while part of this is going down…) Continue reading Narutaru Ch. 39 – 44 →