Tag Archives: manga

Narutaru Ch. 62 – End — A New Creation

Ch. 62 Summary: More dealing with the fallout of nuclear war. Sudou starts nuking volcanoes. Akira appears!

Ch. 63 Summary: Dad flies Shiina to meet with Sudou. Mishou joins them as a dragon.

Ch. 64 Summary: We finally learn the backstory of Mishou. Airplane battle! A tragic death.

Ch. 65 Summary: Bungo dies. Sudou destroyed the world all for Shiina. Then he pointlessly dies. Akira tells Shiina she actually loves her mother. Shiina breaks (she could deal with nuclear war but this is another matter). Shiina accepts her identity. Continue reading Narutaru Ch. 62 – End — A New Creation

Narutaru Ch. 57 – 61 — The End of the World

Ch. 57 Summary: A reporter investigates the dragon children. Shiina’s mom meets Akira. Sudou plots something terrible.

Ch. 58 Summary: Shiina investigates Mishou, leaves home, and runs into Mamiko.

Ch. 59 Summary: Shiina and Mamiko ride bikes together. Mamiko reveals that the entire earth is her shadow dragon. Japan launches ICBMS at America.

Ch. 60 Summary: People look for Shiina. Cities are destroyed by nuclear weapons. Many dragons appear in the sky.

Ch. 61 Summary: Sudou launches more nukes. Hoshimaru picks up Shiina.

These final chapters of volume 11 are mostly setup for the epic conclusion volume 12 has in store for us. Yeah, that’s right, nuclear winter is just the beginning of this. It’s going to get much worse.

Sheol as the Earth


So the entire Earth is Mamiko’s dragon child. Which she named “Sheol”, the abode of the dead. More specifically, Sheol is a land of darkness, cut off from light and from God, where all the dead go, both the righteous and the unrighteous, regardless of their deeds. And Mamiko identifies Sheol with the Earth.


And Sudou is working to make it just that, the land of the dead. (Kitoh’s style, filled with the detail of debris, works great for these kinds of destruction scenes.)


Mamiko and Sudou don’t see this as sad even. They think the earth would be better off as Sheol.


I mean, sure, the Earth wouldn’t be sad, the Earth doesn’t really have feelings. But… what? Basically Sudou’s logic is, people don’t treat the earth well? So we should start a nuclear war and destroy all humans? I don’t entirely understand him. I also like how he accuses mankind of becoming too arrogant, while he unilaterally judges them and arrogantly decides that it’s in the earth’s best interest for him to bring about their extinction.


And somehow Bungo goes along with this plan because he thinks they need a uniform society of law and order? I suppose the lack of any society whatsoever would fit these conditions, but… Teenagers are dumb I guess. I’m guessing their logic isn’t something we were supposed to think too hard about.

 Shiina’s Mother


We’re forced to reevaluate Shiina’s mother a bit here. She seemed like a terrible mother (and she is). But she has changed her entire career and life for what she sees as Shiina’s sake. Shiina may be afraid she’s a replacement for their previous daughter, but it’s not nearly as simple as that. Both her parents certainly care for Shiina deeply.

The Dragon Children


We also get this interesting tidbit about the dragon children. The dragon children come to those who ask for their help, even subconsciously.  Why and how have the others wished for the dragon children’s help?


So Sudou is the executor and Mamiko is an observer. Recall that Tsurumaru earlier told Shiina that her role was to observe. Is he another executor paired to her observation? (By the way, my Japanese sucks, but I think the translation above, “the one who makes decisions” is not correct. That doesn’t make sense— the executor makes decisions, not the observer. I believe a better translation is “the one who judges”.)

Finally, note how the dragons appear in the sky after the massive death toll, and how Shiina feels sick.

Narutaru Ch. 51 – 56 — In the Sack

Ch. 51 Summary: Shiina’s parents find Norio’s head attached to a doll and Shiina’s corpse brought home in a bag.

Ch. 52 Summary: Shiina shows up at her grandparents’ house. She has her first period.

Ch. 53 Summary: Akira and Sudou visit the guy Shiina killed a long time ago. Sudou pressures Akira to join him.

Ch. 54 Summary: Tsurumaru cries.

Ch. 55 Summary: Tsurumaru kills some gangsters.

Ch. 56 Summary: Mamiko and Tsurumaru’s girlfriend visit Tsurumaru’s house and are raped by the gangsters. Then Mamiko massacres them.

Back in a Bag

Part of what I love about Kitoh is his sheer brutality. No one else comes close. Other manga will kill off characters (sometimes), but who else has the balls to have the remaining bits of the main character’s corpse brought home in a bag to show to her parents. My God. Oh, right, and that’s nothing compared to what happened to another main character a few pages before.


Yup. Holy crap. Who else would even be able to imagine this kind of shit. Continue reading Narutaru Ch. 51 – 56 — In the Sack

Narutaru Ch. 46 – 49 — Takeo is… What?

Ch. 46 Summary: Shiina is living with Takeo and Norio. She sees Takaya. Takeo is weird.

Ch. 47 Summary: Akira is living in some institution. Her mom wishes she killed her. Some mysterious government person is trying to kill her.

Ch. 48 Summary: Sudo is plotting things. Shiina sees Mamiko at school.

Ch. 49 Summary: Shiina’s dad comes home. A bus runs over some kids.

So, let’s jump straight to these chapters’ major what the fuck moment:


Takeo is Shiina’s father and son? What?! Continue reading Narutaru Ch. 46 – 49 — Takeo is… What?