Draggle’s Prayers are Answered — Eleven Days of Advent and One Day of Christmas #4

This spring, my prayers were answered. We got a sequel to Milky Holmes. And it was every bit as wonderful as I had hoped.

Milky Holmes is glorious. Absurdist humor at its finest. This season’s villain is a mound of lard. And no, Milky Holmes doesn’t get their powers back. Their school is destroyed and they start running a  farm.

If you missed out on Milky Holmes, go watch it now. The first season is superb too. If you want to read more of my embarrassing gushing about how wonderful Milky Holmes is, you can read my review (spoiler: I liked it).

4 thoughts on “Draggle’s Prayers are Answered — Eleven Days of Advent and One Day of Christmas #4

    1. Need to find the OVA, I heard it was terrible though, nothing like the TV show. As in it was actually intended to be serious. Hard to imagine they would be dumb enough to do that, but…

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