A girl does fortune telling with tarot cards. Then she is tentacle raped, murders her sister(?), and slays a demon with the help of other magical tarot girls.
The second half of this show was not what I was expecting. At all. I was just about ready to drop the show for being mind-numbingly boring and happy along the lines of Shukufuku no Campanella. But then we get an Another-style near murder, tentacle rape, the brutal death of the sister, apparent messing around with people’s memories, and fighting demons. Now the shows this reminds me the most of are Black Rock Shooter and 11eyes. Not a huge step up but an improvement nonetheless. I’ll at least check out the second episode.
I have seen the later episodes and I have the right to say “I told all of you so!” Naivety is now and forever a sin. Luna have taken in by the deception of the Akari impostor and now tragedy befall on all of the protagonists.
I didn’t bother watching past the first episode… Guess I’ll keep it that way.
Wow interesting 😁