Hanayamata — First Impressions


AMERICA, fuck yeah!

I thought this would be another cute girls doing cute things borefest but I was actually quite impressed by the first episode. It has a good sense of humor, the characters interact well together (and it looks like we’ve barely scratched the surface with them), and it’s on a rather unique topic, some form of dancing.


Plus the animation is gorgeous.


Very pretty.

It is a rather typical story, girl thinks she’s average, gains confidence with the help of a new friend, but it’s all about how the story is told. And Hanayamata is off to a great start.

2 thoughts on “Hanayamata — First Impressions

  1. I’m following this and it’s really cute but also close to annoying at times. With the over-enthusiastic blonde girl it’s pretty similar to Kin-Iro Mosaic (which I liked a lot). But I’m surprised that you like this show!

    1. I’m kind of surprised I like it too! The blonde girl could get annoying, but the way she’s rather oblivious saves it for me. Especially with how the tsundere always gets mad at her. The show at least has a conflict. And she’s an American so bonus points!

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