Zombies on trains fuck yeah.
What more needs to be said? It’s essentially Attack on Titan but with zombies on trains. Also much better done. None of that stupid school shit and less of those stupid “feelings”. But still has that nice mood where anybody’s gonna die at any moment, with crazy fights and lots of crazy stupid shit and explosions and betrayal and the like.
Only bad part is, the final bad guy is sort of stupid. And I wouldn’t have minded if it were a bit longer. My favorite character (train conductor girl) never really got to do anything…
- Storytelling – B – Quite entertaining.
- Voice – A – Nice trains.
- Characters – B – Ugh, that final bad guy. But otherwise pretty good.
- Attention Grab – A – Easily kept my interest.
- Production – B – Looks good. Probably went overboard with the still shots.
- Overall – B+
Recommendations – Attack on Titan, Hellsing Ultimate, Berserk