Ore no Nounai Sentakushi ga, Gakuen Love Comedy wo Zenryoku de Jama Shiteiru — First Impressions


I had very, very, very low expectations for this one given the title, but the first episode was pretty darn great.

The direction was top notch. They started off with this monologue about making choices, along the lines of a science show on TV, interviewing lots of random people saying that choices matter and showing a lengthy montage of people making choices throughout history. All while this epic music plays in the background. It was hilarious.

The premise itself is ridiculous: the main character is essentially in a visual novel, and sometimes “choice points” will pop up. All of the choices are terrible, and he has to pick the lesser of two evils.


Then there’s the fact that all of the characters are insane. White is the best by the way.

Looking forward to more of this.

6 thoughts on “Ore no Nounai Sentakushi ga, Gakuen Love Comedy wo Zenryoku de Jama Shiteiru — First Impressions

  1. I couldn’t get into the show. It’s probably the best of the “bad” LN adaptations or whatever, but the pacing of the jokes is terrible. That montage was two-five minutes (I lost count) too long and the characters dragged out their punchlines well past the highest point. And since none of the characters did much for me beneath the humor, I checked out in a hurry.

  2. I also went into this expecting nothing and was pleasantly surprised, glad it wasn’t just me who found this show hilarious.

    Did it seem like the other two weird heroines had the same absolute choice thing going on as well? It seemed to me like the show was hinting that the white haired chick was suffering from a similar problem if not the exact same problem the protagonist has with all her maggot jokes. I wasn’t as sure with the other girl, but she did randomly climb her school building to enter from the window…

    1. That’s a good question. Based on what they do, I wouldn’t be surprised if they’re likewise given these ridiculous choices. Either that or they’re just crazy. Either way is good though. 🙂

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