Jesus. They spend an entire episode and a half talking about how they have to run away. Over and over and over again. And then what do they do when the time comes? Not run away.
Yu spends the entire two episodes being a fucking whiny brat. It’s like he’s pissed off that people want to achieve their objectives and stay alive. Who the hell let this brat into the military? And mankind’s only army doesn’t have a lick of discipline. Mankind is doomed.
Guren is even sitting there dying in a pool of lava while crying and telling Yu to leave and obey orders, but Yu refuses and has to be dragged kicking and screaming from the crazy strong vampire who is about to kill him and all of his friends.
And as Yu continued to whine afterwards about how everybody wouldn’t just go and die along with Guren, and I began to hope Yu would kill himself…
LOL. Words cannot describe what an idiot this guy is.
I’m already disappointed because I just know that next episode he will sit up and come back more powerful than ever before…
“I’m already disappointed because I just know that next episode he will sit up and come back more powerful than ever before…”
That’s actually exactly what happens. If you’re the type to get mad over spoilers for a dumb anime like this then you need to go outside and find a real problem.
Yup. What a shocker…