A giant robot fights monsters.
This was really good. I’d never heard of Gridman before, but my understanding is that it’s a fairly traditional tokusatsu show. My favorite part of this show is that all the characters are shockingly adaptable. A monster showed up and destroyed the school? Eh, whatever, no big deal. Even the heroes have very little motivation to fight the monsters. There’s not a sense of urgency, but a strong sense of “man, what a pain in the ass.”
I also love the villain, Akane. She is totally my type.
For more thoughts on Gridman you can listen to our podcast episode. The ending was great.
- Storytelling – A – Concise, purposeful storytelling.
- Voice – A – Love the visual style and the lethargic atmosphere.
- Characters – A – Love them, even the ones who never talk.
- Attention Grab – A – Kept me glued.
- Production – A – Looking mighty fine!
- Overall – A-
Recommendations – Gatchaman Crowds, Samurai Flamenco
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