Arpeggio — Ships in swimsuits barbecue party, yay! I still could care less about the ships developing emotions and whatnot, and would prefer just the shipping *ahem* and the explosions. But this is infinitely better than loli mad scientist, so there is that.
Tokyo Ravens — As I’ve stated before, I’m only watching this for Natsume’s cross-dressing and the shipping. I don’t really see what the point is of focusing on the main guy’s friend, unless they put him in a love triangle. That hasn’t happened… yet.
Gingitsune — Older guy with a crush on a high schooler… that was painful to watch.
Outbreak Company — The princess becomes a hikkikimori. I never thought I’d say this, but this episode of Outbreak Company was too serious for my liking. Get back to the stupid antics, please, so we can laugh again.
Log Horizon — I’m losing my patience. The same problems we had in Maoyuu Yuusha are starting to crop up again: endless explanation after endless explanation, instead of actually doing things. However, it isn’t nearly as bad Maoyuu Yuusha since the explanations are about a video game and don’t purport to solve all the political and economic problems of the real world, so the endless explaining doesn’t come across as idiotic preaching about the oppressed from the comfort of some rich guy’s parlor.
NouKome — Chocolat transformed into a lovesick goody two-shoes housewife. Made me want to barf. Thank god she got knocked in the head again and turned back into a gluttonous buffoon by the end of the episode.
Nagi no Asukara — Dawww. The leading male really is a nice guy after all. Still way better off without Manaka though.
The hate that Waifu!Chocolate awakened in me is something I didn’t even know I was capable of. Had she not disappeared by the end of the episode, I would have probably undergone some kind of internal bleeding.
Same. Although it did help make me realize that this kind of character is the one of the things I hate most about anime.
I think that was the point. She was only brought up as a setup to show how much we hate what she represents and how it just does not work. NouKome’s anything but bland, and her waifu has generic-ness is too without taste.
Just hand the answer over? No bloody way! That goes against everything NouKome’s been about. Our lead has to STRUGGLE, suffer, find new perspectives and make personal growth. Yes, I said it, NouKome has character development. He’s a prat, a baka, and a damned bumbling fool but he’s learning through it all– more than all those other every-boring fucks. If this were a classic myth/story, it’d be the backstory to a hero’s youth as a the fool and trickstertp divine misadventures and gain later wisdom and companions.
OC: Get back to the stupid antics, please, so we can laugh again.
Latest episode certainly does. Hurray!
Yeah, the message was most likely: “See? She after all is WAY more entertaining in her regular goofy mode!”. However, they may have pushed the joke too far, the waifu took so much screentime it became painful to watch.
Funny how many people I’ve seen on forums complaining because they liked serious Chocolat better and felt like the second amnesia was a cop out – and by funny I mean sad.
People like serious Chocolat better? My god, what is wrong with humanity. It’s not even like I like goofy Chocolat all that much, but serious Chocolat is awful.
Yep, NouKome does have a character development. But also the main character started out more intelligent than most harem protagonists end up as. He already knows he’s a bumbling fool, in part due to the absolute choice phenomenom. Normal harem leads make shitty choices all the time but don’t even realize how retarded their decisions are.
Hahaha so true. I was introduced to NouKome as the ‘stupidest anime’ one commenter ever saw. That struck a chord in me, and I instantly wanted to watch to see how bad it could be.
Oh the irony that this comedy is far smarter, and its lead with enough self awareness he knows he’s a lout. . . as opposed to the masses that don’t and their followers that love the empty waifus.
If I had serious Chocolat as a gf, I’d get bored. If she couldn’t grow a personality I’d honestly probably break it off, or if I couldn’t, cheat on her.
I know, NouKome is great. Empty waifus are the worse. I would never befriend serious Chocolat, much less have her as a girlfriend.
as a fool and trickster to divine misadventures and gain later wisdom and companions.
Shazaaam! Personality on, personality off. Double the girls, double the fun, as maya joins in.
I thought LH would go in a totally different direction. I enjoy the evil glasses themes but I do miss the action. The OP and EP suggest there’s more on the way, but the build up is better off for a marathon than weekly show.
NouKome’s fucking great and for once we are in agreement with the main character who doesn’t want the boring idealized waifu with no real personality, only tropes and stereotypes in a unfunny way. She played the straight man… knock on wood… and we don’t want her. She doesn’t fit. She’s more human as a dog!
Oh I can’t wait for the cosplayers portraying chocolat, there’s already interest in the wood works.
Yes, boring idealized waifus with no personality are the worst. Why do these types of characters always seem to win? Definitely more human as a dog!
Because the perceived japanese otaku audience are boring as fuck. Sexytimes not so sexy, especially for the equally limp-wristed no personality no self-worth harem leads.
Good comedies satarize and buck this trend, giving actual reason to go gaga– especially since it is so ludicrous. Chocolat and Silver haired girl make sense. He spends time and pays attention to those to the point of spoiling them. Tits girl, he blackmailed. The only exception I can think of is the Student council President. I don’t understand her initial motivation, but coming through in the game show was really just affirmation of her feelings. She’s just not really funny, except as a plot framing device to setup other girls charms. I’ll forgive her since the rest of the cast is fantastic… and she probably had a hand in picking the wrestling game.
I’d say it’s very likely that the President is just playing around with him or possibly knows more about the whole “God” issue.
Aha… that’s it. The last possibility. Thanks Gan_Hope. That makes sense. The point of the show is to fuck with the main character. Great form of conflict, man against self while man against Divinity. Anime Japan setting & twisted tropes, hilarity ensues.
I agree with Gan_HOPE, I imagine the student council president is somehow associated with one of the gods, possibly the one who initiated the absolute choice phenomenon. I suspect that she is pursuing her “love” mainly with the intention of having fun and screwing with the main character, so I like her. 🙂
Arpeggio finally shifts back to battle. Great. Otherwise I might bang my head on the keyboard.
Tokyo Ravens, I don’t know WTF I am still watching it myself. The whole thing is so uninteresting. Even as a generic fantasy shounen anime, the storytelling is really awful. They should show more of Kon’s antics rather than these mumbo jumbo.
Log Horizon totally busted my expectation after that great episode “I am going to start my own guild”. The author manages to prove himself as braindead idiot as my MAL tag. Aren’t the targets of his story teenagers? WTF with these non stop talking? Where are the actions? The preview shows that next episode is all talk too! Only it is the glasses guy’s turn. This is MMY all over again!
Well, we knew it was going to be politics eventually. Personally I appreciate it more than MMY as at least for now it doesn’t have the awful political implications that one had.
Amen. Thank God he’s leaving real-world politics out of it this time. That was a monstrosity.
Tokyo Ravens is pretty much as generic as you can get at this point. Which is odd considering how downright bizarre the first episode was. What went wrong?
We probably should have seen this coming with Log Horizon, but it’s still disappointing. Today’s episode was a bit more interesting than the last couple, but not by too much.
Oh hey, nice new format you have here Draggle!
Why thank you! I believe you caught me while I was in the middle of editing it, I’m done now.