Zetsuen no Tempest 11 + 12 — Thirteen Dimensional Chess



Why did I ever take this show seriously?


In the last four episodes, the characters have not budged an inch. The discussion was kind of interesting at the beginning, but now my interest is waning. The world is being destroyed by these crazy giant trees, and yet we have to listen to these people attempt to outsmart each other and outwit the tree that created the universe? Good luck with that, kids.

Did the mage of Exodus kill the girlfriend? Did the tree of Genesis kill the girlfriend? I don’t really care, because I don’t really care if Mahiro gets revenge or not. His goal is stupid, so I don’t really care about these revelations. Plus, the revelations just seem to come out of nowhere. There’s no way we could have guessed these things. Rather than leading the viewer along with it, Zetsuen no Tempest just reveals everything by having someone explain it. That’s how the series has done everything so far. By having some talking head explain it to us straight out. If they’re going to spend four episodes talking to each other, the least they could do is come up with some intelligent dialogue. And no, randomly quoting Shakespeare does not make your dialogue intelligent. Quite the opposite, in fact.



The only break from this monotony is naked Hakaze. Not that she was ever wearing much to begin with. At least now that she’s back, we won’t have to watch her explain things over the phone as she wanders around the deserted island half-naked.


You can tell how much care the creators put into animating Hakaze’s time travelling breasts.

And I think it was intended to be a serious moment, but I just broke out laughing at this:


zetsuen_no_tempest_11_12_8Apparently this show is supposed to be 24 episodes. If there are any good shows that come out next season, though, I’ll probably stop blogging it.


9 thoughts on “Zetsuen no Tempest 11 + 12 — Thirteen Dimensional Chess

  1. I don’t think your quite seeing how excellent the dialouge is. It’s full of mind f**ks and ever changing theories and people manipulating people. Of course you have your own opinion, I’m just wanted to point it out. Regardless, next season looks bad, so I doubt you will stop blogging this.

    1. That doesn’t really make for excellent dialogue. You could say those make the plot interesting, but you would be hard-pressed to convince anyone that this script is anything above mediocre. Of course maybe the translations are just that bad.

      I’m not sure if I’m going to be able to make it another full season with this show. You’re the only blogger I follow who is watching this so I’ll probably drop it if you stop discussing it.

      1. Thanks for replying. Maybe excellent was the wrong choice of word. Interesting and different is what I was trying to go for more.

        1. Although I don’t think I need to convince other people that its above mediocre, because there are many others (Not everbody of course) who said the same thing I did.

      2. E Minor is also blogging it, I recommend you check out his posts if you want someone else to follow. He gets more into the Shakespeare stuff than I do.

    2. I liked the first episode where they were arguing with Samon. It is good dialogue, but I feel it’s taking way too long for this one conversation and could be much more concise without sacrificing much if any of the mindfuck or manipulation.

      Next season does look bad, so I probably will stick with this…

  2. I don’t think you’re quite seeing how excellent the dialouge is. It’s full of mind f**ks and ever changing theories and people manipulating people. Of course you have your own opinion, I just wanted to point it out. Regardless, next season looks bad, so I doubt you will stop blogging this.

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