If you can call this happy… Honestly, it was a bit too happy for me. Continue reading Mirai Nikki 26 — Happily Ever After
Category Archives: Mirai Nikki
Mirai Nikki 25 — Love the One You’re With
That was quite the action packed leadup to the finale.
It’s a tough choice, but I think the above has to be my favorite Yuno screenshot yet. I just love her expression and the way she’s looking over her shoulder. Also the plain black robe goes great with her twintails. Continue reading Mirai Nikki 25 — Love the One You’re With
Mirai Nikki 24 — Yuno… You’ve Gone Insane!
A bit slow on the uptake there, eh, Yukki? Continue reading Mirai Nikki 24 — Yuno… You’ve Gone Insane!
Mirai Nikki 23 — Trumpet of the Apocalypse
The end is nigh. Continue reading Mirai Nikki 23 — Trumpet of the Apocalypse
Mirai Nikki 22 — Cosmology and Metaphysics
Another excellent episode of Mirai Nikki! Let’s look a bit into the show’s pseudo-religious mumbo jumbo.
Creator and Creature
If Akise is an existence created by Deus, then this seems to imply that everyone else is not. However, the winner of the survival game is supposed to create the new universe in his own image. Continue reading Mirai Nikki 22 — Cosmology and Metaphysics