It’s like Twintails if it wasn’t funny and the characters were boring.
It did have its moments, like how it ended with the heroines deciding they needed to grab random peoples’ genitals in the dark in order to defeat the final boss, who was their pet dog’s mother and also the governor. And starting with the main heroine defeating the invaders because of her overwhelming horniness. When she was 8 years old.
Yeah… Definitely seen worse though. But that’s more a comment on me than on this show.
- Storytelling – D – Not funny.
- Voice – D – I guess it would have been cool if it wasn’t a pale imitation of Twintails.
- Characters – D – Childhood friends suck. Although so did everyone else.
- Attention Grab – D – Only finished it because I was chatting with my friends and barely paying attention.
- Production – B – Looks fine.
- Overall – D
Recommendations – Twintails
I have a brand new anime or manga featuring a normal college or university graduate named Adam lee he lives in Tokyo Japan he gets a job of being a teacher after helping a elderly man named Arthur goldsmith he turns out to be a wizard named Merlin from another world called fair land he is also the headmaster of destiny land academy a huge magical boarding school this school teaches from kindergarten to high school all sorts of unique eccentric odd weird strange unusual students and has all kinds of unique eccentric odd weird strange unusual teachers and other faculty members.
Nostradamus 2012 = 2021 ???