Chuunibyou Demo Koi ga Shitai! — First Impression

I’m sold. This has the humor which Hayate so noticeably lacked. Also, the more serious parts aren’t bad either. I think everyone can related to growing up and being embarrassed of what they did in the past.

Then, once you grow up a bit more, you realize: who cares? So, kid from Chuunibyou: some girl wants to play witches and warlocks with you, and you’re complaining? Said girl rappels down from the balcony, wears a fake eye patch and has shoes that turn into roller skates, and you don’t want to hang out with her because she’s not normal? What the hell’s wrong with you? If I were in your shoes I would totally hang out with this girl. If the rest of the class doesn’t want to join in it’s their loss.

I’m not sold on the art style yet though, particularly the character’s faces. They have the tiny Denpa Onna / Haganai mouths which I’m not fond of. I’m not sure why this has become a trend, it looks so strange.

16 thoughts on “Chuunibyou Demo Koi ga Shitai! — First Impression

  1. So, kid from Chuunibyou: some girl wants to play witches and warlocks with you, and you’re complaining? Said girl rappels down from the balcony, wears a fake eye patch and has shoes that turn into roller skates, and you don’t want to hang out with her because she’s not normal? What the hell’s wrong with you? If I were in your shoes I would totally hang out with this girl.

    I haven’t watched Chuunibyou, etc. yet, but reading this remark, I couldn’t help but think that if you saw True Tears you’d be moe for Noe?

  2. I like it.
    There was a time I thought I have magical power too, lol.
    But rather than being embarrased, isn’t it such a cute and precious childhood memory?
    Remembering them makes me smile.
    I like KyoAni anime most of the time.
    It’s just that Oreki Hyoutarou is such a lazy fuck last season.
    The characters in Chuunibyou are all pretty cute and acceptable.
    I wonder if the girl’s delusion will become true later on?
    Probably not…

    1. Oreki was awesome! Best KyoAni show since Nichijou! (ok, that wasn’t that long, but…)

      I doubt her delusions will come true, but hopefully the male will come to accept them a bit more.

  3. I pretty much gave this series two strikes right from bat. But it didn’t take too long for me to begin enjoying it. The Eyepatch Girl’s use of the Konami Code on the vending machine clinched it for me.

  4. Too many people throw away what makes them special in order to make themselves more appealing to the majority. That’s a real problem in a lot of societies around the world right now. People reject other views without giving them the thought and consideration they deserve, and that just doesn’t make sense. This show certainly takes “special” to an extreme, but the message is essentially the same.

    “The worst thing to call somebody is crazy. It’s dismissive. ‘I don’t understand this person. So they’re crazy.’ That’s bulls–t.”
    – Dave Chappelle

  5. I’m way past middle school age but after watching this episode I suddenly realize that I’m still suffering from some Chuunibyou 🙁

    Apart from that I’m not completely sold on this show but hey, Rikka is cute and it’s KyoAni so I’ll be watching it anyways! Just a little sad b/c KyoAni seems to be reverting from Hyouka’s glory to series w/ more moe appeal and a better cost earnings ratio.

    1. I don’t know, I wasn’t sold on Hyouka or Nichijou after the first episode either. At the moment, I’m willing to give them the benefit of the doubt.

      1. Fair enough, when Hyouka started I found it quite boring and just watched it for the animation. I think it started to really interest me only with Irisu’s appearance. So I’ll certainly give this one a chance.

  6. I loved Hyouka too it was great in its own way…and its good to know that the characters here are different and soooo cute especially rikka..i m totally in love with this show.. keep up KyoAni

    1. KyoAni really has been on a role lately… This, Hyouka, Nichijou… way better than than their older stuff in my opinion.

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