Colloquium: Queen’s Blade Rebellion 11 and 12

This week’s post is a collaboration with Emperor Jredball, ReisengSnippetTeeJohn Sato, and Foshizzel (who provided pictures).

draggle: Taken literally, the ending to Queen’s Blade: Rebellion makes no sense. The rebels and the Queen join in battle, and then… everyone leaves. Our heroines journey to the forest temple, where they transform into rainbows and fly into the ceiling. The twin peaks fall away to reveal a phallic spaceship.

This ending only makes sense if we interpret it allegorically. In the world of Queen’s Blade, the female principle has become dominant, leading to the world’s stagnation. But in Taoist philosophy, a balance must be preserved between yin and yang. So as females, our heroines cannot defeat the Queen. The yin must become yang to restore the world’s balance and overthrow the old order.

Emperor J: The ending to QBR can be interpreted in any number of ways. Personally, I see it as making perfect sense.

In the world of Queen’s Blade it is the Queen who ultimately rules over the rest of the continent. There are no male figures are anything beyond an amateur journalist, slave trader, or perverted demon. The queen also has immense power that no other character in this story has. Until she is defeated, the queen remains the queen.

That isn’t to say that this series was really a game of chess that was rigged from the start. Rather it’s pointing out the limits of challenging power. Standing on moral principles as most of Annelotte’s group did can only lead as far as an honorable defeat for Claudette.

Perhaps the real lesson should come from Claudette’s actions. Her rule clearly made a small number of people unhappy, so maybe the fact that there were people willing to fight her to the death in opposition will get her to change her ways. That’s a question for the OVAs to answer.

redball: The final two episodes of Queen’s Blade: Rebellion saw loose ends come together and characters pair off before the final battle at the top of the queen’s palace. Much of episode 11 was spent with pairs of characters enduring their last symbolic battles with each other. The battle fan service was turned up to 11 in these scenes and the passion felt by our warriors was never more clear. None of these battles was quite as spectacular as the one between Branwen and our favorite tentacled Moon Dancer in the Swamp Witch’s Arena. A well-timed shock from Branwen’s hedgehog-like trainer combined with a tentacle attack from Luna caused a massive explosion, leaving both warriors spent from the fight.

Episode 12 ends the individual fighting, favoring instead a free-for-all in which our entire cast takes turns with the queen, whose true intentions are finally laid bare. There is no satisfying match for the queen in this current cast. Ultimately, the queen leaves dissatisfied while our rebellious cast recovers from their engagements with her. They will need to train more if they wish to challenge her.

There was one moment that stood out in the last episode. I was not prepared, nor were my fellow viewers, for Siggy’s Holy Pose: Healing. To be honest, it made absolutely no sense. However, I’ve since analyzed this and come to the conclusion that the healing technique is a combination of the magic present in Queen’s Blade and the science of sex. Suffice to say that the Holy Pose: Healing is probably the most overtly sexual demonstrations in Siggy’s repertoire. I won’t spoil you with a description, but trust me when I say that it’s quite exhibitionary. I believe this is necessary to properly evoke the healing properties of sex. Sex causes a release in oxytocin, which is a chemical known to reduce stress, serotonin, a natural anti-depressant, and endorphins, which are a naturally occurring opioid that suppresses pain. Understanding this we can apply it to the Queen’s Blade universe and come to a conclusion: The Holy Pose: Healing activates the positive effects of sexual arousal within Siggy’s body, then uses magic to transfer those healing properties to those around her.

Reiseng: Forgive me, but unlike my comrades, I jumped into these final two episodes having only seen episode 7, so, naturally my understanding of the plot is not very comprehensive. With that said and out of the way, I want to point out a few things.

The first thing I want to touch upon is a topic my comrades already discussed in significant detail: the ending itself.

Why did the rebels retreat and more importantly, why did the Queen let the rebels go? The first question has an obvious answer. They retreated because there was nothing more they could do at that time, but the second question is far trickier and more open ended.

The most probable answer is that the Queen recognized the rebels perspective and even though she did not agree with them, she respected them enough to let them go. “A wise ruler should not punish those who only fight for the well being of others” might have been her thought process. As foolproof as this theory sounds, I feel that we are missing something, something important.

I would argue that the Queen let the rebels go not only because she recognized their effort and determination, but also because she recognized the bond the rebels shared with one another.

Having fought common foes and each other for so long, the women of Queen’s Blade had formed deep, intimate bonds with one another. It did not matter how strong the rebels were, the bonds formed were bright enough to impress any viewer. The Queen likely took notice of this bond and just as importantly, she took notice of its immaturity.

The bonds formed between comrades and enemies might have been strong, but they had not been developed to their full potential. So, the Queen let the rebels go in the hope that they would work on these bonds and show her something truly magnificent.

The rainbow at the end of the episode was likely the final form of the precious bond formed by the rebels. Their bond had become so intimate, that the warriors became “one” (quite literally). This is likely what the Queen wanted to see. She wanted to see some of her female citizens form such a close bond that in the end, they would not even be distinguishable from one another. Does this sound radical and out of the blue? I don’t think so. Queen’s Blade has been suggesting something similar all along.

We all know that realistically speaking, it isn’t possible for people to become one with one another, but it is possible to get close to that feeling. Yes, I am talking about sexual intercourse. We are closest to another individual during the climax of a sexual encounter (of the consensual kind of course).

So, what does sex have to do with Queen’s Blade? While sexual encounters by themselves do not really happen in Queen’s Blade, core elements of sexual encounters, in particular orgasms, do happen. And, where do most of these core elements occur? Why in the midst of battle of course.

I wasn’t joking when I said that the characters became more intimate with one another by battling. The fights in Queen’s Blade often revolve around sexual pleasure. Characters that can last longer when faced with intense pleasurable pain end up winning, but regardless of who wins, the very act of sharing an orgasm with another deepens the bonds between the two women.

Sexual pleasures in battle was expressed in many different ways. For example, in the second last episode, the battle between the moon dancer and the prisoner was full of sexual pleasure. The blows the fighters landed on one another caused each participant to experience intense sexual joy, but it also deepened their bonds. Queen’s Blade even had vibrating armor which while at first suggested masturbation was more or less a medium through which the involved parties could share vibrations and therefore pleasure each other. And, that brings us to the second topic I wanted to talk about: enjoyment in battle.

Enjoying your fights is not a new concept in anime or fiction in general. Many shows have characters that get thrilled by the excitement of fighting. The adrenaline, the exhilaration that comes from knowing you could die at any second and the joy of victory are all things commonly emphasized in such stories, but Queen’s Blade is a bit different.

As I alluded earlier, Queen’s Blade does not show enjoyment in battles via the use of adrenaline or a primal urge to fight, but rather it shows enjoyment through sexual pleasures.

Why does Queen’s Blade focus on sexual pleasures? I am not sure of the answer, but I believe that it is because Queen’s Blade is trying to make a statement. Queen’s Blade is trying to tell us that we place too much focus on regular joy and neglect the pleasures that come about from frequent, sexual relations. There are however two exceptions to this rule.

There are two characters in Queen’s Blade that do not display any battle or sexual lust whatsoever (at least not when they are sane). The two characters are of course, the Queen and our protagonist, Annelotte. I think that by denying these two characters sexual pleasure, Queen’s Blade is making another very important statement.

Leaders should not find joy in life and should focus on leading alone. Both Annelotte and the Queen are leaders. They are very different in terms of leadership style, but they are both leaders regardless. Through the use of these two characters, Queen’s Blade is suggesting that a good leaders should sacrifice any self-enjoyment that one might be entitled to for the sake of her underlings. It is a very poignant message and one I feel is not emphasized enough in our education system. Speaking of important statements Queen’s Blade makes, there is one more message it delivered and it was a message that I think all of us should play close attention to.

As redball mentioned earlier there is a scene that involves a holy healing pose by Siggy. I hope I am not spoiling much by telling you that this pose involved her buttocks. She used her buttocks to cast a spell that healed two fallen characters. It was a magnificent pose, but why did Queen’s Blade decide to show such a pose?

I agree with redball in that it demonstrated the healing properties of sex, but I think there was a bit more to it than just that. When you think of a healing prayer, you normally think of clasped hands and a beautiful chant, so, why would Queen’s Blade defy the norm and have the prayer associated with what some would call the dirtiest part of the human body? I think it’s because, according to Queen’s Blade, our buttocks are not the dirtiest part of our body; our mouth is.

Pardon the language, but a more crude way of saying it would be: “the shit that comes out of our mouths is worse than the shit that comes out of our asses”. With that one, short scene, Queen’s Blade was trying to give us an important lesson. It is a lesson that we should heed, but so often ignore. “Watch what you say because your words can really hurt people.”

I am glad the anime ended with such an important lesson. This is something we should all take note of and strive towards. So, at this point, I’d like to thank the Queen’s Blade team for making such a fine anime and more importantly, thank my comrades for giving me the opportunity to make this post. I regret not being able to make the time necessary for a Skype viewing session, but hopefully the Queen’s Blade OVA’s will rectify that mistake of mine.

redball: Now that we’ve analyzed the final two episodes, I’d like to look at the series as a whole. Given the imagery in the series it is no surprise that I think it tells a story primarily about fertility. Annelotte’s journey tells of the struggle to survive in an ever changing world, but it is also a story of continuation. If you recall our first post we noted the mountains in the Moon Dancer’s village, and how they stood as a symbol of a woman’s legs. The final scene in Queen’s Blade: Rebellion revisits this site, after an arduous trek our cast has returned to the beginning. However, this time something different happens, the warriors activate a special magic within the temple between the mountains that causes the two peaks to fall away as a new form rises from the earth. This is clear imagery of childbirth. The ultimate message of Queen’s Blade: life will go on.

Snippettee: Fertility, that’s a nice observation. I remembered the emergence of the new world was significantly shown by the end of the show. The “two-legged mountain” that we’re deciphering on our first post was replaced by one mountain—“two become one”. Another example how sex and fertility is allegorically presented is through the imagery of the moons. Each time the girls want to meet up or set a task, they always plan whenever the three moons are overlapping–portrayal of intercourse

Further, I would just like to revisit Siggy’s Holy Pose: Healing. For some Christians, some women are practicing chastity in order to become the brides of God. Hence given the ludicrousness of Queen’s Blade: Rebellion, Siggy, as a nun, acted the dumb healing post to embellish the idea of the “union of god and woman”. Indeed, her action failed but the stereotypical perception that women are always willing to sacrifice and be sexually submissive in order to save humanity and continue life was noticeably emphasized.

John Sato: I like where Draggle was going with this. I’ll get into why in a moment, but before I do I would like to point out that this series’ title is Queen’s Blade: Rebellion. Who was rebelling, you might ask? Well, one might argue that it was Annelotte and her group, but I believe the true rebels were the men of the Queen’s Blade-verse. If you remember, I proposed in the third colloquium that there was an influx in the male population, highly likely due to the evil Queen Claudette. If you consider my new theory, than this suggests not merely an affront to all that is good and holy, but an outright challenge. The men of this world were attempting to reach a higher status in life and gathered behind their representative, the dread queen Claudette (who speaks of such pagan ideals as equality of classes and presumably gender). In fighting Claudette and, by extension, the men of the world, Annelotte and co. are enacting a holy crusade to purge the heretical and pagan ideas of the false queen. In this sense, they are upholding the tradition of this world, as is one of the objectives of their crusade (again, covered in previous posts).

Though it can be assumed from the way that Claudette left at the end that men have retreated back to their dank, dark lairs – for the time being, at least – the last episodes make it very clear that their actions have not gone unnoticed by God. He is furious, and will not leave men unpunished. As Draggle and I suggested to in our most recent post, the men in Queen’s Blade are all but useless, their only purpose to aid in the reproduction process. I suggest, however, that God deems they have gone too far this time, and they will not go unpunished. He intends to completely eradicate them, making them little more than vermin to be exterminated by removing their last use from the world.

How will life go on? Through the means presented in Draggle’s suggestion that, “The yin must become yang to restore the world’s balance and overthrow the old order.” There is more phallic imagery in the last two episodes of Queen’s Blade than a normal human could ever fully fathom. Furthermore, though no actual males appear in either episode, we have women turning into traveling streams of light that result in what Redball pointed out is child birth. The imagery, and the meaning behind it, is clear. Women have, through some mysterious means god provided to to them, made the reproduction process workable with only themselves. Men have now become utterly worthless, and the prophesied Eden of a world without men has become a real possibility.

I would disagree with Draggle, however, on his remark that the women are overthrowing the “old order.” Rather, I think the fact that Maria shows up to aid Annelotte & Co. shows that they are, if anything, fighting for the traditional values set forth by God. Maria, for those of you who are unaware, is the disguise of Leina, the protagonist from the first two seasons of Queen’s Blade. Hailing from a time when men were men (i.e. subjugated) and God was under no assault from blasphemous vibration armor, Leina is a clear representation of tradition and order. The fact that she fights on Annelotte’s side against her own sister (for those who didn’t know, Claudette and Leina are sisters) makes it instantly apparent that tradition and the one it represents (God) are clearly on our heroes side.

As for what is to come? The era beginning after this may be one of war and purging, as God and his followers fight their crusade for the obliteration of all males. On the other hand, Annelotte’s final words to her comrades state that when the moons align next, they shall again fight Claudette (and therefore men across the world). If we go back to our first colloquium, we can see that the moons’ alignment is indicative of the male and female forms, as well as intercourse as Snippettee pointed out. Thus, Annelotte may be suggesting that the crusade wait until after women have fully assimilated whatever uses they need from the male body and tested the process. Who can say? All we know for sure is that, like Redball said, “Life will go on [for women].”

This is the final entry in our thoughtful and reflective series on Queen’s Blade: Rebellion. Please join me in thanking all of the Colloquium participants. Next, we aim to tackle the thorny philosophical issues raised by the second season of Horizon. Drop me a line if you’re interested in joining us.

158 thoughts on “Colloquium: Queen’s Blade Rebellion 11 and 12

  1. Great job everyone! I was but a mercenary hired for but two of these posts, while the rest of you fought bravely for 6 or so posts and went where no one has come gone before.

    Thanks Draggle for hosting and final edits. You did good. 😛

      1. Oh, I totally thought it was intentional. Like, some kind of hidden commentary about colloquiums, or some subtle distinction between us and other Colloquiumers.

  2. i have a original hentai anime or manga concept that features a girl named Eva she was sold as a slave by her parents at the age of one to a rich man named Adam she is now 16 years old while her master is 30 years old she would be allowed to attend school on blue sky island which is ten miles east of the Japanese mainland its main city is called blue sky island city which has 5000 permanent residents Eva attends a small high school with only 16 students in her class.

  3. we later see that Eva would wear a ragged torn sailor suit inspired Japanese school uniform with the top part covering only half of her large breasts and skirt is short enough to see her butt fold she does not wear any bras or panties she also has a slave collar on her neck when at home she stays in a small prison like cell under the basement of her masters mansion in chains. we later see that her master gives her a 20 centimeter times 40 centimeter plastic food wrapping, adhesive tape, and some unusual undies in cyan, orange, pink, purple, gold, and silver that each cover only her pussy and each has a small rubber ball like thing to put in her anus and their is almost invisible nylon string to tie on the waist and no extra fabric to cover her butt she must wear one of these under her clothes when going to school or in public.

  4. in a original harem anime or manga concept i have is we meet a normal 33 year old man named Seth he becomes a teacher at a magical school in the world of Elysium which has a big city called Arcadia the school is called Paradise academy.we meet Seth’s students who include a half human half snake girl, a half human half spider girl, a female werewolf, a half human half octopus girl, a half human half squid girl, a half human half crab girl, a half human half lobster girl, a half human half crayfish girl, a half human half scorpion girl, a half human half beetle girl, a half human half butterfly girl, a half human half moth girl, a half human half cockroach girl, a half human half cricket girl, a half human half fly girl, a half human half grasshopper girl, a half human half ant girl, a half human half bee girl, a half human half snail girl, a half human half slug girl, a half human half worm girl, a half human half frog girl, a half human half toad girl,a half human half salamander girl, a half human half eagle girl, a half human half buzzard girl, a half human half condor girl,a half human half falcon girl, a half human half hawk girl, a half human half owl girl, a half human half chicken girl, a half human half dove girl, a half human half pigeon girl, a half human half duck girl, a half human half kiwi bird girl, a half human half roadrunner bird girl, and a half human half penguin girl all go to Paradise academy.

  5. we also meet a half human half goose girl, a half human half parrot girl,a half human half canary girl, a half human half crow girl,a half human half raven girl, a half human half pelican girl, a half human half stork girl, a half human half swan girl, a half human half eel girl,a half human half shark girl, a half human half goldfish girl, a half human half aardvark girl, a half human half bat girl, a half human half panda girl, a half human half polar bear girl, a half human half coyote girl, a half human half hell hound girl, a half human half nine tailed fox spirit girl, a half human half jackal girl, a half human half saber toothed cat girl, a half human half cat girl, a half human half cheetah girl, a half human half mountain lion girl, a half human half panther girl, a half human half leopard girl, a half human half lion girl, and a half human half tiger girl all attend this magical school.

  6. we also meet a half human half hyena girl, a half human half mongoose girl, a half human half badger girl, a half human half ferret girl, a half human half otter girl, a half human half weasel girl, a half human half seal girl, a half human half narwhal girl, a half human half walrus girl, a half human half raccoon girl, a half human half skunk girl, a half human half hedgehog girl, a half human half rabbit girl,a half human half kangaroo girl, a half human half wallaby girl, a half human half koala girl, a half human half opossum girl, a half human half wombat girl, a half human half spiny anteater girl, a half human half platypus girl, a half human half chimp girl, a half human half gorilla girl, and a half human half orangutan girl also attend paradise academy.

  7. then we meet a half human half monkey girl, a half human half elephant girl, a half human half beaver girl, a half human half guinea pig girl, a half human half chipmunk girl, a half human half gopher girl, a half human half hamster girl, a half human half mouse/ rat girl, a half human half porcupine girl, a half human half squirrel girl, a half human half shrew girl, a half human half camel girl, a half human half llama girl,a half human half alpaca girl, a half human half vicuna girl, a half human half bison girl, a half human half bull/ cow girl/ female minotaur, a half human half goat girl/ female faun/ female satyr, a half human half sheep girl, a half human half deer girl, a half human half moose girl, a half human half giraffe girl, a half human half pig girl, a half human half dolphin girl, a half human half killer whale girl, a half human half whale girl,a half human half sperm whale girl,and a half human half hippo girl also attend this school.

  8. we also meet a half human half rhino girl,a half human half tapir girl,a half human half mule girl, a half human half donkey girl,a half human half zebra girl,a female centaur, a half human half unicorn girl, a half human half water buffalo girl, a half human half raccoon dog girl, a female yeti, a half human half griffin girl,a half human half chimera girl,a half human half jaguar girl,a half human half lynx girl,a half human half sphinx girl, a female harpy, a half human half crane bird girl,a half human half parakeet girl,a half human half phoenix girl, a female siren, a half human half swallow bird girl, a half human half alligator girl,a half human half crocodile girl, a half human half turtle girl, a half human half chameleon girl,a half human half gecko girl,a female kappa, a half human half leviathan girl,a half human half basilisk girl, a half human half cockatrice girl, a half human half hydra girl, a half human half sea serpent girl,and a half human half dragon girl also attend paradise academy.

  9. we then meet a goddess, a female Valkyrie, a mermaid, a female vampire, a female mimic/ shape shifting doppelganger, a female ogre, a half human half amorphous slime monster girl, a giantess, a half human half snow spirit girl,a female dwarf, a robot girl,a female living doll, a alien girl, a female orc, a succubus, a female fairy,a female ghost, a female zombie, a half human half skeletal grim reaper girl,a female genie, a female elf, a female cupid, a female gnome, a superhuman magical girl, a female angel, a female cyborg, a eternally young immortal girl, a female cyclops, a female ninja, a female space pirate, a female knight, a female samurai, a female clown, a female psychic fortune teller who can use telepathy and precognition,a female catholic nun, a female shrine maiden, a female exorcist, a female alchemist, and a female witch/ sorceress also attend this unique school.

  10. we then also meet a half human half lake monster girl, a female swamp monster, a female sprite, a female sea witch, a female fallen angel, a female leprechaun, a female nymph, a female dryad, a half human half mandrake girl,a half human half man eating talking walking tree girl,a female nymph, a female sylph, a female banshee, a female headless horseman, a female living shadow, a female living scarecrow, a female living gargoyle, a female goblin, a female gremlin, a female imp, a female troll, a female amazon warrior, a female ghoul, a female mummy, a half human half behemoth girl,a female pixie, a female changeling, a female brownie, a female bogeyman, a female wight, a female moss person, a female gorgon, a female medusa, a female titan, and a female pygmy also go to paradise academy.

  11. we then also have a half human half swan girl, a half human half stork girl, a elderly wrinkled hag that can transform into a beautiful teenage girl, a hermaphrodite who has big breasts a large penis arm pit hair and pubic hair plus chest hair, a girl with fish like fins and tentacles instead of legs plus antenna , a four legged girl,a girl born with a third extra eye, a girl with prehensile hair, a girl with feathers all over her body and wings on her head, a girl with angelic feathery wings and a halo, a girl with four arms, a girl with horns, pointy ears, fangs, claws, a demonic tail, and demonic bat like wings plus a long forked tongue, a girl with insect like wings and a stinger, a girl with scaly skin and a reptilian tail, a girl with a furry body animal like ears and a fluffy tail, and a girl with detachable prosthetic limbs also attend this unique school.

  12. we also have a girl with six fingers on her right hand six fingers on her left hand six toes on her right foot and six toes on her left foot, a girl covered in scars, a ugly fat girl, a muscular tall slim girl, a tiny short girl or mini girl, a female teenage rogue assassin/ mercenary, a insane cannibal girl with multiple personalities, a girl with a photographic memory, a female teenage mad scientist who is also a child prodigy, a female teenage soldier, a female teenage professional thief, a female teenage delinquent crime boss whose dad is a mafia boss, a female biker, a female teenage prisoner who escaped from prison, a female air/ sky pirate, a sexy teenage cowgirl, a female teenage waitress who wears a hooters inspired outfit, a female teenage butler in a tux, a female bartender/ hostess in a playboy bunny outfit, a female teenage maid in a french maid outfit and garter belt stockings, a female shepherd/ farmer, a female fisherman in a diving suit and diving mask, a female lumberjack in overalls, a female belly dancer, a female teenage stripper/ erotic dancer/ prostitute, a feral girl in a animal pelt dress with a brown fur bikini underneath plus paw like gloves, a female teenage kick boxer, and a female teenage judo master also attend this school.

  13. we also have a female teenage jujitsu master, a female teenage karate expert, a female teenage sumo wrestler, a female Chinese martial arts expert who wears a mandarin gown and has ox horn like hair style, a female teenage gladiator, a female teenage geisha, a female teenage paladin, a female stage magician, a female sexy cheerleader, a female expert hypnotist, a female tribal chief, a female shaman, a female shogun warlord, a cute princess who wears a elegant Gothic Lolita dress or a pink ballgown, a female teenage astronaut in a latex spacesuit, a female teenage space marine, a female teenage amateur detective, a female teenage policewoman, a female teenage spy, a female archer, a female teenage sniper, a female teenage paranormal investigator, a female teenage bounty hunter, a female teenage competitive swimmer, a female surfer, a female teenage lifeguard, a female teenage bodyguard, a female teenage dominatrix, a female voodoo priestess, a female druid priestess, a female time traveler, a girl in a suit of powered armor, a girl in a chain mail bikini who is a warrior, a female teenage caveman, and a half human half tyrannosaurs girl also attend this unique school.

  14. we also have a female teenage vampire hunter, a female teenage spiritual medium, a female teenage necromancer, a female teenage slave girl who was a homeless orphan, a female viking teenage warrior who was frozen in ice then thawed become a student, a blind teenage girl, a deaf teenage girl, a girl who stutters and has a verbal tic, a hunchbacked girl, a mute teenage girl, a female teenage mutant, a female clone of a pharaoh, a girl with accelerated healing, a girl who can duplicate herself into multiple identical copies, a girl with air and wind based abilities, a girl with earth and stone based abilities, a girl who can create and manipulate electricity, a girl who can manipulate magnetism, a girl who can create and control fire and heat based powers, a girl with ice and cold based powers, a girl with metal based powers, a girl with plant based powers, a girl with water based powers, and a girl with weather based powers.

  15. we also meet a girl with the power to create and control light, a girl who can create and control sound, a girl with superhuman senses, a girl who can control any tech with her mind, a girl who can heal others of any sickness or injury, a girl who can create illusions, a invisible girl, a female teenage wizard, a girl who use telekinesis, a girl who can set things on fire with her mind, a girl who can create and control darkness and shadows, a girl who can manipulate gravity, a girl who can become intangible, a girl who can manipulate probability, a girl who can transmute any element, a girl who can stretch like rubber, a girl who can change size at will, a girl with superhuman speed, and a girl with superhuman strength all go to paradise academy. then we also meet a girl with the ability to transport herself and others from one point to another point and a exhibitionist girl with big breasts and a big ass plus dark brown skin and red hair plus turquoise eyes who does not like to wear clothes or even underwear and shoes or socks.

  16. we also meet a female castaway girl, a vegetarian feminist girl, a female 33 year old news presenter and journalist, a female shut in girl with likes to play video games, a female prison guard who is 36 years old, a female mall cop/ security guard/ watchman who is 40 years old, a 31 year old housewife, a sexy female model, a 25 year old female shopkeeper, a female captain of a ghost ship, a female sexy flight attendant, a girl who plays bass instruments, a girl who likes guitar, a girl who likes to play violin, a girl who likes to play viola, a girl who plays the keyboard and piano, a girl who likes to play the harmonica, a girl who likes to play with drums, a female sexy idol singer, a female 39 year old record producer who wears a magenta pantsuit, a female adult video actress who wears a black bra and black panties plus a white bathrobe, a female professional photographer, a female sculptor, a female disc jockey, a cute female voice actress, a female film director, a female manga artist, a female painter, a female boss of a banking company, a female architect, a female secretary/ receptionist/ office lady, a female social worker, a female computer programmer, a female engineer, a young adult female inn manager who wears a dark purple kimono and underneath a white cotton bandage chest binder and a white loincloth, a female sexy librarian, a female sexy school nurse who wears a sexy ruby colored nurse uniform, a cute female florist, a sexy female judge, a female coach/ physical education teacher/ personal trainer, a teenage female genius who is a assistant teacher and homeroom teacher for Seth, a female kindergarten teacher,a female principal who wears a nuns habit and a silver cross necklace and gold cross earrings with a stainless steel chastity belt her choice of swimwear is a platinum chastity belt and a bathing cap along with dark red triangle shaped sunglasses, a female communications officer, and a female ambassador who wears a gold crown, a silver helmet, gauntlets, and a yellow dress but for combat and fighting wears a full suit of heavy plate armor, a female shop clerk, a female landlady, a female video game developer, and a female novel writer also live in the city of Arcadia where the story takes place in.

  17. then we meet a female cook, a female tour guide, a female toy inventor who can give life to inanimate objects, a female archaeologist, a female dorm manager, a female hacker, a female producer at a famous film studio, a female doctor in a lab coat scrubs rubber gloves a surgical mask, a female pharmacy owner, a female veterinarian, a female barber, a female bus driver, a female chauffeur, a female valet, a female race car driver, a female truck driver, a female taxicab driver, a female massage therapist, a female baker, a female construction worker, a female janitor, a female mechanic/ technician, a female pilot of a cool airplane, a female executioner/ hangman/ state electrician, a female blacksmith, a female merchant, and a bisexual rich girl also live in the city of Arcadia.

  18. some other girls or women who live in the city of Arcadia include a girl who can talk to animals and control animals with her mind, a girl who can astral project, a girl who can create and use anti magic, a girl who can reflect any physical attacks on herself, a girl who can create and use barriers, a very lucky girl, a girl who can bounce like a ball, a girl with chameleon like camouflage ability, a girl who can charm any person to do what she wants, a girl who can create and control cold flames, a girl who can use a deadly gaze, a girl who can detect evil, a female dragon slayer who can also ride dragons, a girl who can dream of the past and also dream of the future, a girl who can enter peoples dreams and eat them or even change dreams, a girl who can turn herself into crystal, a girl who can use love based powers, a girl with the ability of extreme empathy and can feel others emotions by touch, a girl who can turn into metal, a poisonous girl who is walking wasteland, a girl who can create and control solar flares and use sun based powers, a girl who can turn into magma, a girl who can turn into smoke, gas, or mist, a girl who can control and use hellish flames, a girl who can control time, a girl who can control space, a girl who can manipulate gravity, a girl who can create and control voids, a girl who can absorb and donate energy, a girl with the ability to eat anything, a girl who can use eye beams, a girl who can give people fake memories, a girl who can fly, a girl who can blast energy from her hands, and a girl who hyper awareness, a girl who can bring her imaginary friends to life, and a girl who can jump in a single bound also live in the city of Arcadia.

  19. then we meet a girl with healing hands, a girl who can see and talk with spirits, a girl born with natural night vision, a girl who can create and control chi like energy, a girl with the kiss and touch of death, a girl who is a living lie detector, a girl with a super sonic scream, a girl who can make any living thing rot, a girl with superhuman toughness, a girl who cannot feel pain, a girl who can manipulate reality, a girl who can create and control anything made from paper, a girl who can control pests, a girl who can copy any ability, a girl who can nullify any ability, a girl who can use psychic surgery to heal people, a girl who can create and shoot spikes from any part of her body, a girl who can create and control any weapon from one of her own body parts, a girl with super powerful breath, a girl with superhuman intelligence, and a girl with superhuman reflexes also live in the city of Arcadia.

  20. then we meet a girl with special acid spit, a girl who can create and control portals, a girl who can turn into stone, a girl with unbreakable bones, a girl with a vacuum like mouth, a girl with a extra mouth on her belly, a girl who can drain life force out of any living thing, a girl with aura vision and vein vision or x ray vision,a girl who can walk on water, a girl who can crawl on walls, a girl who is a scarily competent hunter and tracker, a female master swordsman and fencer who wears a indigo kimono with a white cotton bandage chest binder and a white loincloth, a girl with star based powers, a girl with moon based powers, a girl who wears adhesive bandages instead of underwear along with a light blue sundress, a girl in a strapless dark red halterneck dress, a girl in a blood stained wedding dress who is a serial killer, a girl in a pink mini dress with light blue striped panties, a foreign exchange student with light brown skin and tan lines who has a flat chest who wears a sailor suit inspired school uniform, a girl who wears dark blue pajamas and lavender slippers, a girl in a toga, a girl who wears nothing but a towel along with a wrist ribbon, a thigh ribbon, a arm ribbon, a leg ribbon, a waist ribbon, a armband,and a wristband, a girl in a yellow raincoat and yellow hiking boots, a girl who wears a trench coat and a dark orange mini dress and dark red lingerie, a girl in a fur coat and a buckskin dress who is native american she also has a bead necklace, a athletic girl in a tracksuit, a girl in a halter plunge one piece dark green swimsuit, a girl in a light green competition one piece swimsuit, a girl in a skimpy light orange one piece slingshot swimsuit, a cross dressing girl who wears board shorts and a hoodie to the beach but has a tuxedo for work along with khaki pants, a girl who wears a one piece turtleneck swimsuit, a shameless girl who wears lavender swim briefs and nothing else for the beach or pool.

  21. we also meet a girl who wears a long dark magenta bib along with a brown rope bondage harness dress underneath who carries a spear, a girl in a tutu, a girl who wears a sexy Santa suit like dress along with a Santa hat a girl who wears nothing but a blanket and body paint, a girl who wears a strapless dark blue leotard along with a black cape with a hood, a girl in a see through white nightgown and nothing else who has pale skin and blue hair plus purple eyes and big breasts, a girl who wears only a gray cloak and carries a book of magical spells, and a girl who wears only a dark cyan apron and nothing else who has four large breasts that can shoot out highly corrosive acid, a girl in a aloha shirt and blue jeans, a girl in a light cyan tank top and pink hot pants, a girl in a light blue jacket and a american flag designed two piece bikini, a girl in a white t shirt and dark red legless briefs or gym shorts , a girl in a yellow crop top and light blue hot pants, a female biker in a black leather jacket and a white one piece school swimsuit for some reason, a girl in a dark red corset and a dark purple thong, a girl in a white vest like top with a snake themed collar and a simple pattern on the back of it the vest also has one red gem on each breast surrounded with a spiral pattern the collar also has white fur on it this girl also has turtle shell shoulder plates with a red dot on the back of each she does not wear underwear but instead use her pet boa constrictor instead her armor has a snake motif and on her legs she would wear white shin guards with dull green thigh high stockings underneath she has olive skin and was raised in the jungle by gorillas oddly enough, then we meet a girl in a sports jersey and a gym uniform along with sweatpants, a buff girl who wears a burgundy sports bra and aquamarine bike shorts or spats, and a big breasted girl in a white t shirt and a light blue diaper whose swimwear is just a pink diaper and nothing else. then we have a hermaphrodite who wears special scrotal lingerie and a special scrotal exposing swimsuit and a slave girl with a slave collar and chains plus who wears a linked piercing that connects her tits with her clitoris also live in the city of Arcadia in the world of Elysium.

  22. we also meet a long necked girl, a girl with two faces, a girl with spider like limbs growing from her back and spider like senses, a girl with two heads who is actually a conjoined twin, a half human half mushroom girl, a girl raped by a tentacled eldritch abomination and now lays hundreds of eggs, a female energy being, a girl who very potent farts, a girl with magical hypnotic eyes, a girl who created a cool jet pack and a cool wheelchair that can shoot lasers with a ray gun attached to it and also created a giant fighting robot based on a dog, a androgynous grey alien with reddish eyes, a girl with a lose nose and wings, a girl with tainted veins due to a parasitic alien virus and unnatural blueish grayish skin, a demonically possessed girl, a girl who can become wreathed in flames that she creates and uses as a weapon,a female rock monster, a talking flaming magical sword that can transform into a beautiful young girl,a girl with a lamprey like mouth with lots of teeth, and a artificial humanoid girl who was created from clay who has no belly button and no sexual organs expect for large breasts and a stretchy anal hole that releases a scented fruity clear liquid as a waste product.

  23. we also meet a girl who wears a brown tunic and leaves instead of underwear who was raised by a talking wolf a girl who wears a white seashell bikini who was raised by a dolphin a girl who wears bandages to cover her disfigured body a girl who wears a dark cyan leotard and combat stilettos, a girl who wears a 19th century inspired pink dress and white traditional bloomers her swimwear is a light blue old fashioned bathing dress, and a female pearl diver who wears a short dark kimono with a white cotton bandage chest binder and a white loincloth.

  24. we later meet a homeless girl with creepy long fingers and creepy long arms who escaped from a lab she was naked at first expect for a helmet on her head and she has the ability to control people using black magic like powers she would create clothes using her magic which appears to be a sexy witch costume or a sexy cat like costume.

  25. we then meet a another homeless girl this one lives in cardboard box she is 16 years old and once lived with her alcoholic dad who also has a heavy smoker he sexual abused her until she ran away from home she became pregnant as well with a child and gave birth in a public restroom to two almost identical twins one is a boy and the other is a girl for some reason a couple of years later at age 30 she got multiple part time jobs including being a bartender, a waitress, a substitute teacher, and other part time jobs she and her kids now live in a apartment and her former dad is now locked way in prison for attempting another rape on a young girl and for theft of a valuable diamond in a jewelry store and a murder of a elderly woman.

  26. we later meet a emotionless girl with no social skills who was created as a super soldier through using genes from a stegosaurus and a human combined to make her she wears a ragged tattered Japanese sailor suit or sailor dress inspired school uniform with no bra or panties due to her unique body structure but does have human like breasts along with odd lavender colored skin and a tail.

  27. we later also meet a red haired girl with pigtails who has a flat chest with a napoleon complex and switches her mood from harsh to sweet plus has a hair trigger temper she would wear a pink dress with giant puffy sleeves a giant waist ribbon and red rubies on it plus she would carry a parasol and have on nice gloves on her hands she would also have on light blue striped panties underneath her dress.

  28. we also meet a girl raised by her dad in extreme martial arts training she would wear a yellow martial arts uniform with a dark red belt on or a dark blue kimono with a light blue obi or sash on it her choice of underwear would be a white cotton chest binder and a white loincloth while her swimwear is a pink cotton bandage chest binder and a pink loincloth along with black sunglasses on.

  29. we later meet a girl who is the daughter of mother nature she would wear a green backless dress and underneath leaves instead of undergarments then we meet the daughter of jack frost who wears a brown parka and tan colored pants then we meet a female sandman who has dark brown skin and black hair who wears a black hijab or burka like dress and underneath a black bra and black panties.

  30. we later also meet a Kenyan girl, a Ugandan girl, a Egyptian girl, a Iraqi girl, a Lebanese girl, a Syrian girl, a Kurdish girl, a Assyrian girl, a Angolan girl, a Zulu girl, a Gambian girl, a Ghanaian girl, a Liberian girl, a Nigerian girl, a Yoruba girl, a Kazakh girl, a Azerbaijani girl, a Turkish girl, a Ainu girl, a Chinese girl, a Japanese girl, a Han girl, a Taiwanese girl, a Tibetan girl, a Korean girl, a Russian girl, a Belorussian girl, a Bulgarian girl, a Cossack girl, a Czech girl, a Polish girl, a Slovenian girl, a Ukrainian girl, a Croatian girl,a Macedonian girl, a Serbian girl, a Afghan girl, a Bangladeshi girl, a Indian girl, a Bengali girl, a Romany girl, a Nepalese girl, a Pakistani girl, a Filipino girl, and a Indonesian girl.

  31. we also meet a Laotian girl, a Papua new Guinean girl, a Malaysian girl, a Singaporean girl, a Thai girl, a Vietnamese girl, a Iranian girl, a Israeli girl, a Austrian girl, a German girl, a Hungarian girl, a Swiss girl, a Albanian girl, a Romanian girl, a English girl, a Estonian girl, a Latvian girl, a Lithuanian girl, a Danish girl, a Finnish girl, a Icelandic girl, a Norwegian girl, a Swedish girl, a Catalan girl, a Corsican girl, a Greek girl, a Italian girl, a Sicilian girl, a Maltese girl, a Portuguese girl, a Spanish girl, a Belgian girl, a Dutch girl, a French girl, a Cajun girl, a Breton girl, a Monegasque girl, a Scottish girl, a Irish girl, a Welsh girl, a Apache girl, a Blackfoot girl, a Cherokee girl, a Cheyenne girl, a Comanche girl, a Iroquois girl, a Kiowa girl, a Navajo girl, a Hopi girl, and a Zuni girl.

  32. we also meet a Sioux girl, a Lakota girl, a Cuban girl, a Dominican girl, a Haitian girl, a Jamaican girl, a Trinidadian girl, a Mexican girl, a Argentinean girl, a Bolivian girl, a Brazilian girl, a Chilean girl, a Colombian girl, a Venezuelan girl, a Australasian girl, a Canadian girl, a Torres strait islander girl, a native american girl, a aboriginal Australasian girl, a pueblo dwelling tribal girl, a Laplander girl, a first nations Canadian girl, a Maori girl, a Tongan girl, and a native Hawaiian girl all these girls from various parts of the world all live together in one big mansion which they were given by their former master named Richard since they were his former maids he died from a assassination attempt on his life by gunshot wound in the chest.

  33. we also later meet a girl with blonde hair and big breasts she has white light skin who is also quite statuesque in height she would wear a american flag themed two piece swimsuit along with a dark cyan jacket and light cyan open shorts we then meet a light brown skinned girl with big breasts and a big ass she has red hair she would wear a dark red competitive one piece swimsuit along with a salmon colored jacket these girls are talented with swimming and surfing. then we meet a girl with light skin and very long black hair with full straight bangs who wears a dark purple kimono she has large rounded eyes she likes to cook she is also a warrior princess who fights using a blade on a stick or small knives she wears a white cotton bandage chest binder and a white loincloth underneath her clothes her swimwear is a red cotton bandage chest binder and a red loincloth.

  34. we later also meet a black skinned girl with a Afro like haircut she has big breasts and a big ass she would wear a dark blue tube top and light blue harem pants or skinny jeans she would wear a magenta laced bra and magenta laced panties under her clothes her choice of swimwear is a pink two piece thong bikini along with a dark orange sarong.

  35. we later also meet a girl with short light sky blue hair and purple eyes she is introverted half human half alien girl she also has a deadpan snarky attitude she does not understand basic human social skills and has the inability to understand metaphors or figures of speech and has the inability to not get or tell jokes or even sarcasm she has light pale skin her alien species do not eat meat and only take in fruits, vegetables, herbs, spices, edible nuts, seeds, grains, and other plants and water she would wear only a see through white nightgown and no bras or panties she also has big breasts and a big ass she does not have on any shoes or socks on either.

  36. we later see this girl would put on a black laced bra and a black thong on for underwear and her swimwear is a dark brown one piece turtleneck swimsuit that also has a halter plunge like design on it. then we meet a girl who has light brown skin and blonde hair who is from a island nation she has big breasts and she would wear a pink two piece bikini along with a gray hoodie.

  37. we later meet a small cute girl with a colorful personality who is also quite hyperactive and has a loud voice she is also very kind sweet nature polite optimistic who is also troubled yet cute and she comes from a very wealthy family that runs a successful drug making and selling company she can also be quite the drama queen she would wear a dark red mini dress along with panties that have red hearts designed on it. then we meet a tall dark brown skinned bisexual girl who wears a dark blue tube top and light blue hot pants.

  38. we then meet a tanned skinned girl with black hair who was raised by monkeys in the jungle she would wear no clothes at all and has very long hair she has big breasts she later collects all kinds of plants and use them to make her clothes and even kills some wild animals after also being taught by wolves as well and later gets adopted by a scientist while on photographic safari at age nine later at age 16 she still prefers to be nude at home but wears a white t shirt with a magenta bra with pink hearts and kisses and white panties with a yellow smiley faced design on it along with blue skinny jeans when outside or a Japanese school uniform. her choice of swimwear is a revealing dark cyan one piece sling swimsuit with a cross themed or pretzel like design to it. then we meet a girl with white pale skin and black hair who is a nudist who does not own any clothes she has golden yellow eyes she would wear a white see through loose flimsy dress this girl is actually a 100000 year old witch and has teenage appearance with big breasts. we do later see this witch put on two small adhesive bandages and one big one to use instead of undies and also as her swimwear.

  39. we later meet a girl who wears nothing expect for a gray cloak she has albino skin and big breasts her hair is light blue due to her being a artificial human created in a lab as a super soldier she has superhuman senses, superhuman strength, and superhuman speed.

  40. we later have this same girl put on a dark red corset and a dark red thong which she got after she stole it from a lingerie selling store and still wears her gray cloak over it and also stole some black stilettos to wear on her feet.

  41. we later meet a dumb blond haired girl with big breasts who is statuesque in height has turquoise eyes who wears a dark blue one piece school swimsuit along with a light blue jacket she is also half human half water spirit who can control water. then we meet a dark brown skinned girl with red hair and teal eyes who wears a dark cyan leotard along with a light cyan cape with a hood who is half human half fallen angel.

  42. then we meet another girl who wears a dark green mini dress with a light green laced bra and light green laced panties who has brown hair and olive skin along with small breasts then we meet a black haired girl with light white skin who wears a dark orange two piece thong bikini along with a light orange sarong who has big breasts.

  43. another girl we meet has on a pink ballgown and dark magenta underwear underneath plus a gold crown she has light brown tanned skin and big breasts she is a princess of a large industrial steam punk inspired kingdom ruled by her father who is a king he wears a black tuxedo like suit along with khaki or brownish pants.

  44. we then meet another girl who wears a dark purple kimono who has light white skin and black hair she wears a white cotton bandage chest binder and a white loincloth as underwear along with black fishnet stockings she is a female swordsman who protects the princess and the king she likes oriental customs and tries to mimic them and also likes archery and martial arts.

  45. we then meet a girl who wears a light yellow sundress and a straw hat she has tanned skin and wears a american flag bikini under her dress.

  46. we later meet a androgynous light grey skinned alien who has black eyes and would wear a dark grayish spacesuit along with a silvery space helmet this alien has no sexual organs and has slimy greenish blood the alien later abducts a pregnant woman and does experiments on her and she gives birth to a half human half alien daughter. this alien girl has light turquoise skin and dark turquoise hair like tendrils on her head some years later she develops four big breasts which has pinkish nipples on them all she would bleed violet or purplish blood.she would wear no clothes at all due her alien heritage.

  47. we then see that the alien girl would buy a white see through nightgown and black pantyhose to wear on her feet along with a black licorice or light black colored g string undergarment to wear along with a black sports bra to wear.

  48. we later meet a girl with dark brown skin who wears a light brown fur bikini she is raised by wild monkeys in the jungle she has black hair and big breasts.

  49. we later meet a girl who is very poor and homeless she sleeps in a tent she would wear a ragged torn Japanese school uniform with no bra or panties she wears no shoes or socks either she has big breasts and long black hair she has white light skin she comes from a half Chinese american and half Japanese american background her parents left her abandoned in a park when she was age one and she was raised by stray dogs then she stole a school uniform from a girl who was swimming in a nearby lake in the park wearing a blue one piece competition swimsuit.

  50. later this poor feral girl would be adopted by a Korean american tall handsome man who found her sleeping under the freeway in her tent he is 36 years old while she is now 16 years old and she had to relearn how to speak correctly but still has a verbal tic and finds wearing any undergarments or shoes or socks uncomfortable but her new adopted single father gives her a twenty times forty plastic food wrapping some duct tape and some unusual undergarments that are red, blue, yellow, black, and white each has a nylon string and only enough colored material to cover her pussy with her whole butt being exposed and a small rubber thing would be placed in her anus.

  51. we then also see this girl would also get a brown similar unusual undergarment, a cyan unusual undergarment, a green unusual undergarment, a gray one, a orange one, a magenta one, a pink one, and a violet/ purple one to wear as underwear each has a nylon string that is almost invisible and a small amount of material only to cover her pussy but leaves the whole butt exposed and a small rubber thing would go in her anus she also wears a twenty times forty centimeter plastic food wrapping to wrap her chest and secured with clear duct tape her breasts are exposed along with her pink nipples to everyone under her clothes.

  52. this odd girl has her Japanese school uniform which only covers half of her large breasts and her plastic food wrapping on her chest and the skirt is short enough to reveal her unusual undies to the world her secondary uniform has no sleeves and her skirt is so short it barely covers anything her third uniform only covers her right breast and the back is almost nothing her left breast is totally exposed and her right nipple is showing slightly her skirt is not better her pussy is still covered but her left butt is totally revealed while her right butt is half exposed no one can see her pussy from the front but from the back it is visible.

  53. we later also meet a girl who lives in a cave she is raised by wolves she has green eyes and red hair along with dark tan skin she has big breasts and she would wear a brown animal pelt dress and leaves that she uses as underwear then we meet a girl who wears a white seashell bikini and a sarong made from seaweed who is half human half carp mermaid. then we meet a girl with short bobbed white hair and purple eyes who is a mutant born from radioactive slime that was frozen in ice and then exposed to fire then some air and wind was blown on her yet unformed body giving her life. she wears no clothes and has big breasts her bodily fluids will cause any living thing to melt and she is a cannibal who needs to eat people in order to survive.

  54. this odd cannibal girl born from radioactive slime that was frozen then exposed to fire along with a strong blow of air or wind would later make clothes out of the skins and other accessories from the body parts of her victims which she killed using her melting bodily fluids coming her breasts her urine and her sweat plus her tears plus her saliva which she spits on her victims who are criminals she fights she pretends to be a superhero and would put on a light pink mini dress and a silver tiara on her head and a black bra and black panties underneath her dress.

  55. we later meet a girl who is a neanderthal caveman who was frozen in ice until her ice prison was thawed she wears a tiger printed animal pelt dress and fake paw like gloves she has a necklace made from shark teeth and has a pet boa constrictor tied on her waist like a belt and she wears no undergarments at all and would use another pet snake to use for underwear and her swimwear to the beach or pool along with dark goldenrod colored triangular sunglasses.

  56. we also meet a girl who wears a olive green french maid outfit and underneath it has a stainless steel chastity belt she has big breasts and auburn hair along with white skin her choice of swimwear is a platinum chastity belt and nothing else expect for a white bathing cap.

  57. we later meet a girl who wears a white t shirt and dark blue legless briefs who likes to do track and field acrobatics gymnastics wearing a light pink spandex bodysuit and body building then we meet a girl who is half human half peacock who wears a dark green backless dress and sage colored underwear that has a hole to show her peacock tail.

  58. we later meet a girl whose parents are a god of war and destruction and a goddess of love she would wear a gold chain mail bikini along with a silver helmet she also would wear a white toga then we meet a girl who is a sex slave to a wealthy perverted old man she has a slave collar has ruby earrings a emerald lip piercing a jade nose piercing a gold navel piercing a silver tongue piercing some turquoise nipple piercings a ivory clitoris piercing a coral colored labia piercing and no clothes she has big breasts and she has white skin and very long black hair.

  59. we later see this slave girl wear a reddish brownish or auburn coat when in public along with white pantyhose attached with garter belts and nothing else she also has on black triangular sunglasses on.

  60. we later meet a girl wearing a indigo kimono she has white skin and black hair she has big breasts and a nice ass she would have on a white cotton chest binder and a white loincloth underneath she would wear wooden sandals she is very talented in using melee weapons like swords, poles, spears, stick fighting, knife fighting, archery, blades, and using darts as weapons.

  61. we also meet a girl dressed in a amber strapless leotard who is a expert in martial arts and acrobatics along with gymnastics she wear a black jacket over her leotard and then we meet a girl in a aquamarine one piece strapless swimsuit and a white bathing cap who is a competitive swimmer then we meet a girl who wears carnelian laced lingerie along with white pantyhose she is a prostitute she also wears a brown coat when outside. then we meet a female surfer wearing a two piece coral bikini along with black circular looking sunglasses on. then we meet a girl wearing a onyx colored slingshot one piece revealing swimsuit along with a blood diamond necklace on her neck she comes from a wealthy family that owns hotels and condos.

  62. we later meet a girl wearing a pearl necklace she has dark brown skin and black hair she has big breasts she wears a ruby red mini dress wears a dark sapphire laced bra and dark sapphire panties underneath her dress she is a princess and also wears a gold crown along with silver cross earrings. then we meet a girl who wears a dark turquoise one piece school swimsuit along with a light turquoise jacket she has a flat chest and very long red hair plus white skin.

  63. we later meet a girl who wears a bronze helmet and copper metallic gauntlets with a gold chain mail bikini she is part human part goddess she has superhuman speed and strength superhuman reflexes superhuman intelligence and superhuman toughness she also has a cool winged white horse she rides that can turn into a car, a plane or motorcycle using magic.

  64. we later meet a girl with long black hair and white skin who lives by herself in a condo apartment she had a abusive alcoholic dad who liked to smoke cigars until her mom divorced him her mother would later die due to a accident while she was driving on her way home from work at a office of a banking company that made lots of money. she would wear a Japanese schoolgirl uniform with a white blouse attached to a sailor style collar and a navy blue pleated skirt she would wear a light green bra and light green panties she has big breasts and a big ass she also has a black one piece school swimsuit for the beach or pool with a white name tag on it with her name in kanji on it. her mothers company has a very nice boss a tall dark brown skinned handsome man who later took her in as his adopted daughter.

  65. this girl also own white loose socks and dark brown penny loafer shoes as well then we meet a dark brown skinned girl with red hair she has large breasts she has turquoise eyes she is a foreign exchange student from a island country she wears a white blouse like top with a sailor style collar and a gray pleated skirt she has navy blue loose socks and she wears a black laced bra and black laced panties her swimsuit is a revealing dark red slingshot one piece swimsuit with a thong like bottom and reveals a lot of her body. then we meet a dark brown skinned blonde haired girl with big breasts and a big ass she would also wear a Japanese school uniform with a white blouse like top and a black pleated skirt but she does not wear any shoes or socks she also does not like to wear a bra or panties she has teal eyes she is homeless and stays in a shack made from recycled debris her clothes are also ragged and torn with her skirt looks cut with scissors right at her crotch and no sleeves her uniform is so torn and ragged it barely covers her the back of her skirt is also torn to expose her butt.

  66. this girl also would later wear two pieces of gray duct tape and a piece of gray duct tape instead of underwear she was raised by dogs.

  67. we later meet a girl who finds a cursed videotape that when you listen to a sound coming from it she starts growing pointy ears, a longer nose, cute little fangs, a demonic tail, sharp claws, and razor like demonic wings her body became possessed with a demon that shares her body to live in the human world she has permanent lavender skin and gold eyes she also has large breasts and a big ass her human side would wear a dark red mini dress with a pink bra and pink panties while her demon form would wear a dark magenta corset and a dark magenta thong along with a black jacket over it.

  68. we later meet a teenage boy who wears a black Japanese school boy uniform with a black top that has a standing collar buttoning down from top to bottom with straight legged black pants along with a dark brown belt he wears sneakers he wears a white commissar cap and he likes to eat ice pops and lollipops he also likes eating chocolate covered biscuit sticks he has blonde hair and white skin he is half Japanese and half French american. he also would wear dark orange trunks for the beach or pool he also has dark green swim briefs he is very handsome and he comes from a very wealthy family and has a princely heroic personality he very good with martial arts and his uncle is a sniper in the united states army being his dad’s older brother he later becomes a general as well.

  69. we later meet a girl who wears a carmine colored kimono with a yellow obi she does not wear any bras or panties underneath she also would wear black fishnet stockings on her feet along with sandals she has white skin and very long black hair she is half human half household protecting spirit she has big breasts and her kimono has a impossibly low neckline she later reveals she likes to wear a brown bondage rope harness under her kimono she also likes being spanked and people walking on her body being bite by other people she also likes being whipped and even branded like a animal. she wears a slave collar as well she is the servant of a wealthy old man who is a pervert.

  70. when this girl above goes to the beach or pool she would wear a gray rope bondage harness and nothing else she would also have a white bathing cap and dark purple squared sunglasses she would also tie her hair with a light blue ribbon into a ponytail.

  71. we later meet a girl who is half human half kappa who has olive green skin and blonde hair inherited from her human mother she has big breasts and wears nothing but a lei of orchids and jasmines.

  72. we later meet a girl with superhuman senses she would wear a dark orange tank top and a pair of light orange shorts she has big breasts she has dark brown skin and red hair she also wears a dark green halter plunge one piece strapless swimsuit and a light green sarong then we meet a girl with a flat chest who wears a dark blue one piece competition swimsuit along with a light blue jacket she has the power to control water. we then meet a girl in a black kimono she has white skin and black hair she has a yellow obi she wears a dark red cotton bandage chest binder and a dark red loincloth underneath. then we meet a girl in a pink ballgown she has red hair and white skin along with green eyes she wears dark purple laced lingerie underneath. she has big breasts she also wears a gold crown and silver cross earrings. we then meet a half human half martian alien girl with white hair and purple eyes she has pale skin she wears nothing expect for a transparent white nightgown she has big breasts she is also a exhibitionist pervert who takes off her nightgown often and masturbates in public or even urinates in public or dump her feces in public she has no human social skills either or a sense of modesty.

  73. we later meet a girl who wears a dark orchid colored bodysuit along with jasmine colored jacket she likes martial arts and fights using her punches and kicks she would also wear a dark vanilla headband on her head along with cocoa brown finger less gloves. she has big breasts and white skin along with very long brown hair.

  74. we also meet a girl who wears a crimson colored strapless mini dress and a brown decorative belt she also wears a gold colored laced bra and gold colored laced panties she also carries a silver shield she is a princess and is a expert in white magic she has big breasts and blonde hair then we meet a girl with white hair and purple eyes she is a black magic expert wizard she would wear only a dark purple cloak she has big breasts and white pale skin she also would have on yellow happy faced pasties on the nipples and one on her pussy instead of normal undies. her choice of swimwear are two pink heart shaped pasties and a pink vaginal heart shaped sticker.

  75. we later meet a girl who wears a one piece dark spring green school swimsuit she has dark brown skin and very long black hair she has big breasts she has the power to manipulate the weather using magic she has big breasts. she also has a white name tag with her name written in black kanji letters on her swimsuit and a yellow hoodie.

  76. we later meet a girl with light brown skin and blonde hair she has big breasts and wears a dark orange tube top along with light orange hot pants she has big breasts and is a excellent female marksman with a gun she also has a black belt. then we meet a girl who wears a pink french maid outfit with white garter belt stockings and a dark purple laced bra and dark purple laced panties underneath she has red hair and white skin.

  77. we then meet a girl who wears a golden metallic chain mail bikini along with a silver helmet she also has a copper shield and has a sword she has big breasts and blonde hair along with white skin she is a female paladin and a knight.

  78. we later meet a dark brown skinned tall handsome man named Jonah Goodwill he wears a military camouflage uniform and a white sleeveless shirt underneath his uniform along with white boxer briefs or boxer shorts when at the beach he would wear black board shorts and show off his muscles. then we meet a girl named Matilda she would wear a blood red ballgown and underneath would wear blush colored laced lingerie her swimwear is a violet two piece micro bikini with a thong like bottom on it she has blonde hair and turquoise eyes along with white skin and big breasts.

  79. we then later meet a rich woman named Hannah she wears a pink pantsuit and has a pearl necklace along with gold cross earrings she would wear a black bra and black panties underneath Hannah has long red hair and white skin along with big breasts then we meet a girl named Miriam she is a slave to a demon king her parents made a deal with the demon king Satan to save her from dying from cancer at the age of four but in exchange she must become his slave and a henchman who would collect souls from criminals using a machete or a knife or dagger she must also wear a ragged torn Japanese schoolgirl uniform with no bra or panties and no shoes or socks either her uniform has a top that only covers half of her large breasts she has tanned olive skin and long black hair and her skirt is so short it exposes her butt fold.

  80. we also see that Miriam has her machete or her dagger stored in a magical gray bag that she carries around inside it she would have endless supply of adhesive tape and twenty centimeter times forty centimeter transparent plastic food wrappings and some strange kind of undergarments each with a almost invisible string made from nylon and a cyan undergarment that only covers her pussy barely on the tip of it is a small rubber ball that would go in her anus she also has a gold similar one a orange similar one a pink similar one a purple similar one and a silver colored similar one.

  81. her undergarments also have no extra fabric to cover her butt which is exposed to everyone she must wear her transparent plastic food wrapping on her chest then sealed with tape and one of her odd undergarments under her clothes.

  82. we later also meet a girl named Trinity she is a nun who wears a lavender nuns habit along with white garter belt stockings with a dark purple laced bra and dark purple laced panties underneath her clothes she also wears a silver cross necklace and gold cross earrings her swimwear choice is a mauve one piece turtleneck swimsuit and a white bathing cap she has big breasts and white skin along with blonde hair . then we meet a girl named Eva Kingston she wears a loose white sundress and underneath she would wear a dark red one piece school swimsuit she has a flat chest and white skin plus auburn hair.

  83. we later meet a woman named Mistress Nemesis she is a 10000 year old witch she wears a brown trench coat with a dark magenta corset and a dark magenta thong underneath she also has white gloves and black fishnet stockings she also has a red choker with a rose flower on it she also has a whip she appears to be twenty years old in human years she has pale skin and short black hair she has big breasts she is also a bisexual.

  84. we meet a girl named Elizabeth Ross she has blonde hair and big breasts and white skin she wears a american flag bikini with a yellow jacket over it she is the daughter to a cowboy like farmer when working at the farm she would wear overalls and she has a pink mini dress to wear for formal occasions and for church services. we also meet a girl named Diana she would wear a elegant Gothic Lolita black dress and old fashioned traditional white bloomers she would wear a old fashioned gray bathing dress she has a flat chest and red hair and white skin.

  85. we meet a girl named Amber she was raised in the jungle by gorillas she has red hair and white skin and would wear a animal pelt dress and paw like gloves she has big breasts her underwear is made from leaves and then we meet a girl named Marina she is a mermaid she has fish like tail when in water she has blonde hair and white skin she would wear a white seashell bikini top and white seashell bikini bottom and would appear on dry land and use a green seaweed sarong when she has human legs. she would later meet a teenage prince named Sebastian who was cast away in a island he has black hair and white skin wearing a business suit and a gold crown along with a silver cross necklace.

  86. we later meet a girl named Crystal she would wear a dark cyan one piece school swimsuit along with a light cyan jacket she has golden blonde hair and big breasts along with white skin then we meet Luna she wears a salmon colored strapless dress and has a purple laced bra and purple laced panties underneath she has big breasts dark brown skin and black hair she comes from a Mexican American background.

  87. we later meet a girl named Louise she wears a gold chain mail bikini like armor along with silver gauntlets a silver helmet silver arm guards she also carries a magical flaming talking sword that can transform into a girl named Rose who has big breasts and short white hair along with purple eyes and pale skin she is naked expect for black thigh high stockings on her feet and white rubber gloves on her hands. then we meet Jasmine Kim she would wear a indigo kimono with a white cotton chest binder and a white loincloth underneath and fight using a spear and a staff plus using a dagger and machete like weapon she also has black fishnet stockings and wooden sandals.

  88. we also see that Jasmine Kim also owns a violet/ purple cotton bandage chest binder and a violet/ purple loincloth that she would use as her choice of swimwear. then we meet a girl named Guinevere she is half human half elf she has dark brown skin and long black hair she has a white vest like top with a snake themed collar on her neck and a simple pattern on the back her vest also has a small red gem on each breast surrounded with a spiral pattern her collar also has fur she also has turtle shell shoulder plates with a red dot on the back of each she has no underwear expect for a pet dark green snake her armor also has a snake motif on her legs she has white shin guards with dull green thigh high stockings her eyes are red. her choice of swimwear is a light greenish pet snake.

  89. we then meet a girl named Brianna she is a robot and she has pink hair and has big breasts has white artificial skin she is very human like but cannot feel pain has superhuman reflexes superhuman senses superhuman speed superhuman intelligence superhuman toughness and superhuman speed she is naked expect for a gray cloak she was created as a killer psycho spying soldier and later changed her own programming to a athlete then was reprogrammed by a young man named Daniel who is tall dark brown skinned and very handsome as a maid and a sex slave.

  90. we also meet a girl named Lauren she has big breasts and long blonde hair in a ponytail she has white skin she is French American and she wears a dark purple leotard and a lavender colored choker on her neck she also has a white eye mask she is a superhero and uses a jet pack to fly and could break objects using martial arts and a hyper sense of awareness due to extreme martial arts training with her adopted father who is Japanese American. she also owns a lavender two piece micro bikini with a thong like bottom as swimwear.

  91. we meet a girl named Gabrielle she wears a carmine strapless mini dress and has on crimson colored lingerie underneath she is Russian American and has blonde hair and big breasts she also owns a pair of brown moccasins or furry boots and a dark orange slingshot one piece revealing swimsuit with a light orange sarong.

  92. we also meet a girl named Penelope she is half human half vampire she would wear a black maid outfit with white garter belt stockings and a pair of light blue stripped panties she has big breasts and purple eyes and has fangs she can walk around in the day and can eat normal human food but once a month would take blood from people she also has a dark blue one piece school swimsuit with a name tag written in kanji like letters with red ink. she has some very odd friends like a half human half nine tailed fox spirit girl, a half human half raccoon dog girl, a half human half dolphin girl, a half human half raven girl, a half human half crow girl, a half human half bunny girl, a female centaur, a half human half unicorn girl, a female werewolf, and a half human half dragon girl.

  93. we later meet a girl named Rachelle she is a dragon slaying warrior who wears a copper chain mail bikini like armor who knows how to use a magical crossbow and make poisonous darts and spits them out using a blowgun made from bamboo she also wears a brown tunic over her armor then we meet a girl named Tina she is a vampire hunter and a exorcist she would wear a modified periwinkle nuns habit with plum colored corset and a plum colored thong underneath along with white garter belt stockings. then we meet a girl named Mai she wears a heliotrope colored kimono with a brown bondage rope harness underneath and no bra or panties she has long black hair and white skin along with big breasts. she also has wooden sandals on her feet.

  94. we then meet a girl named Miriam she is a 16 year old genius and already is a inventor who graduated from college at age 11 she wears a lab coat and a yellow mini dress she has red hair and a flat chest along with tan lines she would wear a dark blue one piece swimsuit for the beach or pool she wears light blue stripped panties. then we meet a girl named Bridgette she wears a dark red playboy bunny outfit with black fishnet stockings and a white rabbit themed headband she has big breasts and blonde hair.

  95. we later meet a girl named Sophia she is a slave with dark brown skin and black hair along with big breasts she would have on gold bracelets and silver armbands she would also wear a slave collar she would wear only a white transparent apron and black sheer pantyhose on her legs and nothing else she also has big breasts.

  96. we later meet a girl named Andrea she is a alien her species has a 3 feet wide vagina filled with tentacles and teeth but from the top she has sage greenish skin and big human like breasts that lactate out acid she is also a giant and has purple hair and reddish eyes her species also lay eggs she is naked and look almost human from the waist up.

  97. we later also meet a girl named Hellene she would wear a dark purple maid outfit with white garter belt stockings and a stainless or iron chastity belt her choice of swimwear is a platinum custom chastity belt and a pair of black circular sunglasses for the beach or pool and nothing else she has big breasts and red hair along with white skin . then we meet Gertrude she has blonde hair and big breasts along with white skin and turquoise eyes she would wear a pink sexy nurse outfit along with a black laced bra and black panties she would own a white halter plunge one piece swimsuit for the beach or pool.

  98. we then meet a girl named Cleopatra she has dark brown skin and black hair and big breasts she wears nothing but a white see through nightgown and underneath has 3 adhesive bandages two on her nipples and one to cover her pussy she also wears sandals on her feet or goes barefoot she think she is a descendant of a Pharaoh from ancient Egypt.

  99. we later meet a girl named Katherine she has big breasts and long black hair which she ties in a ponytail she has white skin she would wear a purple kimono and underneath would wear a white cotton chest binding bandage cloth like wrap and a white loincloth she would also wear black fishnet stockings. then we meet a girl named Marcella she would wear a taupe colored trench coat and nothing else she has light brown skin and red hair and big breasts she is a nudist and likes exposing her naked body to lots of men and women.

  100. we later meet a girl named Flora she would wear a short sleeved white shirt and dark red legless briefs that has dark blue stripes at the end of the sleeves on the shirt along with a
    black martial arts headband and a yellow belt.

  101. Flora has big breasts and dark brown skin along with auburn hair she would wear a sage colored one piece school swimsuit with a white bathing cap for the beach or pool.

  102. we later meet a girl named Tabitha Page she would wear a dark orange tube top and light orange short shorts she has blonde hair and white skin and big breasts her choice of swimwear is a dark green one piece slingshot revealing swimsuit along with a light green sarong. then we meet a girl named Sandy she would wear a light blue jacket and a dark blue Japanese one piece school swimsuit she has big breasts and tanned skin along with black hair. then we meet a girl named Alice she would wear a pink ballgown with purple laced lingerie underneath she has big breasts and brown hair along with white skin.

  103. we meet a girl named Laurel Kurosawa she would wear a black kimono with a yellow obi and underneath she has a white cotton cloth bandage binding or wrapping for her breasts and a white loincloth she would wear wooden sandals she is skilled archer and is also good with swords she has black hair and white skin along with large breasts. then we meet Theodora she is a poor homeless orphaned teenage girl she has big breasts and long black hair in a ponytail she has white skin she has turquoise eyes and she would wear a ragged torn Japanese schoolgirl uniform with the top of her uniform only covering half of her large breasts and a skirt short enough to expose her butt fold she wears no bras and panties along with no shoes or socks either she came from a portal through time in a sealed pod age four stayed nude until 16 and she found her new clothes hanging from a washing line outside a persons house. later she meets a man named Smith he later adopts her as his daughter.

  104. Theodora came from a future where bug like aliens have invaded and her biological parents fought against them and were greatly injured at the last moments of their lives humanity would send their kids through time traveling portals they made for younger survivors to live she was only four at the time they could not wear clothes while staying inside of special designed container pods. Theodora survived on her own when she landed in the present day in a junkyard and then a park until age 16 she found clothes hanging from a washing line and then met Smith. Smith was wearing a business suit and a nice watch and would meet Theodora at the park where she was living in a cardboard box wearing her ragged torn Japanese schoolgirl uniform and he treated her to some ice pops and candy. then smith took Theodora to a local adoption agency and later adopted her. smith is aged 30 he quite tall has dark brown skin and is very handsome but he is still a single bachelor and he adopts Theodora so Theodora would never be alone and so he could have some help at his house. smith is actually quite wealthy and is a tech company executive.

  105. later a different time portal opens up in the present day and a 36 year old woman named Cynthia arrives she is dressed in a brown tunic like dress and a gray cloak she was a slave to one of the bug like aliens who evolved to look almost humanoid with males and female humanoid bug like aliens she was lucky to escape via a left over container and also brought along a box full of plastic food wrapping tape and very odd undergarments for women in the future which are red, blue, yellow, black and white each has a nylon string that is almost invisible and each has a small rubber thing on the tip of each which are inserted in the anus and no extra fabric to cover the butt. the future is also very different now the bug like aliens have evolved into a humanoid form and taken over the earth in Cynthia and Theodora’s time. later Cynthia meets smith and they go on a couple of dates for months then they get married now Theodora has a new mom and a new dad.

  106. later a container this time containing undergarments worn by women and girls when they reach a certain age appears these ones are carbon black, ebony, graphite, jet lignite, mars black, midnight blue, midnight green, olive, onyx, raisin black, rich black, smoky black, super black, taupe, air force blue, Alice blue, azure, baby blue, blue gray, blue green, byzantine blue, Cambridge blue, Capri, Caribbean amber, Carolina blue, cerulean, cobalt blue, Columbia blue, cornflower blue, cyan, dodger blue, duke blue, Egyptian blue, electric blue, Eton blue, Han purple, Han blue, indigo, international Klein blue, iris, light blue, Marian blue, and Maya blue in color.

  107. we see that each unique colored undergarment covers only a woman or teenage girls pussy and have a nylon string that is almost invisible that is tied to the waist and the small rubber thing would go in the anus and with no extra fabric to cover the butt we also see navy blue, non photo blue, oxford blue, palatinate, periwinkle, Persian blue, powder blue, Prussian blue, purple, royal blue, sapphire, sky blue, st Patrick’s blue, steel blue, teal, Tiffany blue, true blue, tufts blue, turquoise, UCLA blue, ultramarine, Yale blue, brown, amber, auburn, beige, bole, bronze, buff, burgundy, camel, chocolate, coffee, copper, cordovan, coyote brown, desert sand, drab, ecru, eggplant, fallow, fawn, Indian red, khaki, lion, liver, mahogany, maroon, mummy brown, russet, rust, seal brown, sepia, sienna, tan, tawny, umber, van dyke brown, and wheat colored odd undergarments that women and girls wear in the future.

  108. we also see aqua, cerulean, jungle green, Persian green, robin egg blue, spring green, verdigris, acid green, android green, British racing green, cadmium pigment, chartreuse, electric green, forest green, jade, lime, Lincoln green, Paris green, sage, spring bud, vert, magenta, amaranth, baker miller pink, cerise, crimson, fuchsia, red violet, mulberry, orchid, plum, raspberry, rose, orange, apricot, coral, champagne, gold, international orange, mahogany, mango, marigold, Navajo white, old gold, peach, safety orange, saffron, salmon, scarlet, sunset, tangerine, pink, carmine, cyclamen, mauve, Mountbatten pink, Mexican pink, puce, and ruby colored odd undergarments that are similar to ones above.

  109. we also see a container from the future has blood red, blush, candy apple red, cardinal, carnelian, lava, oxblood, Persian red, red wine, turkey red, Tuscan red, fire engine red, ups dell red, Venetian red, wine color, violet, Byzantium, dark purple, dregs of wine, heliotrope, lavender, lilac, violet, anti flash white, cosmic latte, cream, eggshell, ivory, lemon chiffon, magnolia, pearl, seashell, vanilla, buff, chrome yellow, citron, flax, goldenrod, harvest gold, jasmine, jonquil, lemon, maize, mikado yellow, mustard, Naples yellow, school bus yellow, selective yellow, titanium yellow, cadet gray, gunmetal, mars black, Payne’s grey, peach black, sable, platinum, silver, and slate gray colored odd undergarments.

  110. we then meet a girl named Cassandra she would wear a grey hoodie along with a dark blue one piece school swimsuit she has big breasts and olive skin she has black hair. then we meet Morgan she would wear a dark red leotard along with a black cape and white rubber gloves she has big breasts and white skin and black hair she also wears a white mask she has superhuman strength superhuman senses and superhuman speed due to coming into contact with a meteorite that had strange alien energy coming from it.

  111. we later meet a girl named Jeannette she has blonde hair and white skin along with turquoise eyes and big breasts she wears a american flag inspired two piece bikini along with a yellow jacket and black shorts she is of french american background and she loves to surf.

  112. we meet a girl named Julianne she is polish american she has red hair and white skin and big breasts she would wear a dark red playboy bunny outfit with black fishnet stockings and a white rabbit eared headband and a fake white fluffy tail.

  113. we later meet a girl named Marcia she is a Swedish american girl she wears a pink french maid outfit with white garter belt stockings underneath she has a iron or steel chastity belt she would wear a platinum chastity belt instead of a normal swimsuit and nothing else along with a white bathing cap and black sunglasses.

  114. we then meet a girl named Augusta she would wear a golden chain mail bikini like armor has a copper shield has a silver helmet along with silver gauntlets silver arm guards silver wrist guards and sandals she is a gladiator she has big breasts and dark brown skin and black hair.

  115. we also meet Judith she has dark brown skin and red hair along with green eyes she would wear a brown trench coat and has dark purple laced lingerie underneath she is a prostitute and also wears black stilettos with white pantyhose she has big breasts.

  116. we meet a girl named Emma she has blonde hair and teal eyes she has big breasts and white skin and wears a light yellow micro bikini along with a black jacket and white shorts.

  117. we also meet a girl named Lucia she was left abandoned in the woods by her parents when she was a infant her parents before her birth were archaeologists they discovered a cursed artifact and that their child would be a monster. some months later their child was born she had fangs, a long forked tongue, a demonic tail, claws, pointy ears, and at the time small demonic wings she also had horns . her parents after her birth discarded their newborn child in the woods later at age four some nuns found her naked and acting like a wild animal. they took her to a orphanage. at age nine she discovered psychic powers and some kids at her elementary school bullied her and after school they found her try to rescue a stray dog who was very nice to her but the kids were very cruel to the stray dog as well and they killed it by picking up rocks and sticks and throwing it at the stray dog until dead. Lucia then went berserk and awakened her psychic abilities to kill the kids as well. later she ran away and used her abilities to kill animals for food and even people then would live in their homes for a while and then disappear but even after killing her human victims she would bury them. at age 10 she meet a boy named Charles and they played together Lucia would wear the clothes that she got from the victims she murdered and Charles gave her his hat later she was invited by Charles and his family to a fair during vacation . Charles’s little sister Donna noticed that a freshly murdered body was found hidden in a bush and she screamed and then Charles family had to take a train ride back home and Lucia was invited on the train. later Donna Charles’s little sister took off Lucia’s hat she became angry and killed Charles’s mom, dad, and her sister right in front of Charles. then Lucia and Charles was devastated. later Charles would be raised by his cousin’s family for five years while Lucia runs away again and later meet a friendly girl when she was 15 her new friends name was Sally. she was kind enough to invite Lucia to a art museum field trip. later a top secret government agency that hunts down monsters came to the museum as well this agency had guns and wore bulletproof vests and came to look for Lucia. Lucia gave Sally her hat she wore and the top secret government agents shot sally dead and Lucia was taken by this government agency. she would be taken to a lab where scientists would do experiments on her 3 years later she escaped the lab and killed some of the scientists she was naked expect for a special helmet that would restrict her powers later a sniper was ordered to kill her but missed and hit her helmet instead the force from the shot left her unconscious and she fell down out of a window that was overlooking the ocean and fell into the sea. she was later found by a older Charles and she lost all her old memories and could only say coo or chi she was again naked and also acted like a infant. several weeks later Lucia regained her memories while at Charles’s new house he lives in. later Charles also regained her memories from his past and he forgives Lucia but she still had some of her murderous instincts still and she also gained the ability to use invisible hands to manipulate objects, acts as shields for incoming projectiles, and slice through things giving them the potential to be massively destructive if used offensively these invisible hands or vectors have a limited range of a few meters Lucia can also infect her victims if they survive with a virus that would turn the survivor’s offspring into similar monsters of her species she also has the ability to reproduce like a normal human it is revealed by a scientist and a priest that her curse came from a demon that shared her body since birth this demon 9999 years ago was sealed away in a cursed vase by a group of wizards the curse can only be taken away by a act of love so Charles would passionately kiss her and give her a hug and the curse was finally lifted and the demon would have to leave the host body. but unfortunately Lucia also died due the fact the demon was needed to keep her alive. she was later reborn years later as two twin girls named Faith and Chastity who are normal human girls.

  118. we meet a new female character named Mia she is a very sexy girl with red hair and white skin she has big breasts she come from a very rich family and is quite dumb she wears a pink ballgown and underneath has a dark purple laced bra and dark purple laced panties she would also wear a dark orange slingshot one piece swimsuit that is very skimpy and a light orange sarong for the beach or pool.

  119. then we meet a girl named Madeline she has blonde hair and white skin she is a teenage genius she is 16 years old and already graduated college she has big breasts and wears a dark green mini dress along with a light green jacket over it her choice of swimwear is a dark blue one piece competition swimsuit with a light blue sundress over it for the beach or pool.

  120. we later meet a girl named Linda she lived in the jungle after her parents were killed by a ferocious tiger and also a lion she would be raised by a hunter gatherer tribe who discovered her as a baby they also killed the lion and tiger and use their pelts to make clothes for Linda she is later 16 years old and wears a lion pelt dress with tiger pelt undergarments she has long black hair and white skin and big breasts.

  121. we later meet a girl named Leah Kim she is a very poor homeless teenage girl she has short white hair and purple eyes she is a alien from a far off distant planet she crash landed on earth in her spaceship her world is similar to earth and her clothes resemble a torn ragged Japanese schoolgirl uniform her top is so small it only covers half of her large breasts and the skirt is short enough to see her butt fold she does not wear bras or panties or even shoes and socks her home planet is very scientifically advanced and is also a planet of warriors trained to fight from birth for both males and females.

  122. Leah Kim’s home planet is named Elysium we later see that she kept a few undergarments from her home world along with a 20 times 40 centimeter thin transparent plastic food wrapping and tape one of her undergarments is red and very small and it only covers her pussy from the front and on the tip of it a small rubber ball it has a string that is made from nylon it is almost invisible for keeping this undergarment on the string is tied on her waist and the small rubber ball is put in her anus it is designed not to come out of her anus easily there is no extra fabric to cover her butt she wraps the plastic food wrapping to wrap her chest and seals it with the tape. she also owns a blue similar undergarment, a yellow similar undergarment, a black similar undergarment, and a white similar undergarment.

  123. we also learn that Leah Kim’s home planet of Elysium also has slavery and prostitution is common along with rampant high crime along with piracy is also common and her planet is also famous for music and dancing is very good entertainment her home planet also has games similar to chess, card games, checkers, crossword puzzles, darts, dominoes, horseshoe pitching, jacks, marbles, backgammon, rummy, and love playing and watching sports similar to baseball, basketball, billiards, bowling, cricket, croquet, field hockey, football,golf, handball, lacrosse, lawn bowling, platform tennis, polo, racquetball, rugby football, soccer, softball, squash, table tennis, tennis, volleyball, bobsledding, curling, hockey, ice skating, ice boating, skiing, tobogganing, logrolling, boating, canoeing, snowmobiling, diving, fishing, rafting, rowing, sailing, skin diving, surfing, swimming, water polo, water skiing, archery, spacecraft racing instead of automobile racing and bicycle racing or gliding , badminton, hunting, judo, mountain climbing, roller skating, running,shuffleboard, skateboarding, skydiving, spearfishing, track and field, trapping, trapshooting, quoits, weight lifting, wrestling, fencing, hiking, boxing, playing with flying discs, and jogging races.

  124. Leah Kim’s home planet also likes games similar to dodge ball, foot bagging, tag, tug of war, acrobatics, bodybuilding, jujitsu, karate, and sumo wrestling.

  125. Leah Kim’s home planet also does something similar to gymnastics that is quite popular and like to watch dramas, draw, finger painting, writing and read literature watching orchestras, paint, going to the theater to watch dramas, play, operas, see live comedy shows, or for younger members of her planet watch puppet shows, going to aquariums, go shopping for clothes, play with dolls, make baskets, collect books, collect antiques, collect books, stamps, coins, ceramics, cooking, crewel, crocheting, decal, make jewelry, knitting, pottery, make quilts, making rugs and carpets, sewing, taxidermy, weaving, woodcarving and woodworking along with gardening watching television or going to the movie theater to watch motion pictures.

  126. we later meet a girl named Yuri she is also a alien from the planet of Elysium she is Leah’s older sister she is 25 years old and also wears a torn ragged Japanese schoolgirl uniform this one has no sleeves and the skirt is so short it barely covers her she has black hair and dark brown skin along with green eyes. she has a brown colored similar undergarment to her younger sister along with a cyan color one, a green one, a gray one, a magenta one, a orange one, a pink one, and a violet colored one she also wears a 20 times 40 centimeter plastic food wrapping that wraps her chest and sealed with tape so it stays on.

  127. we later meet a girl named Yoko she would wear a short sleeved white shirt and dark red legless briefs she is very athletic she has big breasts and black hair along with tanned skin she would wear a light pink bikini for the beach or pool.

  128. we then meet a girl named Seiko she wears a indigo kimono has big breasts black hair and white skin she also wears a white cotton bandage or cloth chest binder and a white loincloth along with black fishnet stockings and sandals on her feet she is a princess she also has gold earrings and silver bracelets. then we meet Claire she has blonde hair and big breasts along with white skin and she wears a gold chain mail bikini like armor along with silver gauntlets and a silver helmet plus sandals. then we meet a girl named Natasha she would wear nothing but a white see through nightgown she has big breasts purple eyes and naturally grayish short bobbed hair she is a neanderthal caveman that survived being in ice and was accidentally melted way by a scientist testing out a new ray gun that scientist is named Dr Timothy Lieges he has dark brown skin and black hair he is very tall and handsome he wears a lab coat along with blue jeans and a violet shirt with a yellow bow tie. he becomes Natasha’s adopted parent. we later have Natasha be given adhesive bandages to cover up her nipples and one big one to cover her pussy she does not like to wear normal bras or panties or even shoes and socks.

  129. we later meet a woman named Shannon she is the mother of Leah and Yuri she wears a ragged torn Japanese schoolgirl uniform that has the top part covering only her right breast and the back is almost nothing her left breast is totally revealed and her right nipple is showing slightly her skirt is not much better it covers her pussy but her left butt is totally exposed while her right butt is half exposed no one can see her pussy from the front but from the back it is visible she would have on a thin transparent plastic food wrapping sealed with tape like her daughters and a gold undergarment that has a nearly invisible nylon string tied on her waist and a small rubber ball would go in her anus leaving her entire butt exposed it covers her pussy she also has a silver colored one.

  130. we meet a girl named Saki she would wear a violet kimono she has white skin and long black hair she also has a white cotton cloth chest binder and a white loincloth underneath her kimono along with black fishnet stockings plus sandals her choice of swimwear is a lavender colored cotton cloth bandage chest binder and a dark purple loincloth.

  131. we later meet a girl named Leona she would wear a rose colored mini dress with a olive colored laced bra and olive colored laced panties she would wear a azure colored one piece school swimsuit for the beach or pool she has blonde hair and white skin and big breasts she has turquoise eyes as well.

  132. we also meet a girl named Emma who has red hair and dark brown skin along with teal eyes she has big breasts and wears a gold chain mail bikini like armor and has a silver helmet along with silver gauntlets plus sandals on her feet she is half human half angel.

  133. we later meet a girl named Crystal she is a half human half cat spirit girl she has red hair that is neck length with light green cat eyes she would wear a yellow long sleeve shirt and a black knee length skirt she does not own any shoes or socks or even bras or panties when fighting she would wear a black bra and a black loose thigh length skirt along with a white lab coat we later see crystal put on a white slingshot one piece revealing swimsuit for the beach or pool.

  134. we later meet a girl named Eva she has dark brown skin and has light brown eyes along with black hair she has big breasts she would wear a white see through nightgown along with no bras or panties or even shoes or socks she is from a tribe of nomadic hunting and gathering people. she has a habit of taking off her only clothes later we see her putting on pink heart shaped pasties to cover her private parts.

  135. we meet a girl named Cassandra she wears a dark turquoise one piece school swimsuit along with a light turquoise jacket she has blonde hair and a flat chest along with teal eyes.

  136. we later meet a girl named Elma she would wear a dark orchid corset along with a dark raspberry colored thong and black fishnet stockings along with white rubber gloves she is half human half demon has horns, fangs, claws, a long forked tongue, pointy ears, a demonic tail, and small demonic wings she has dark tan skin and big breasts plus long black hair.

  137. we later meet a girl named Louise she has red hair and a flat chest her skin is white she wears a dark sky blue one piece competitive swimsuit along with a light sky blue hoodie she is a half human half mermaid she grows fish like fins and antenna when wet her best friend Ursula is a half human half octopus/ squid girl with tentacles who wears a black strapless leotard made specially for her body she has big breasts and olive skin plus brown hair.

  138. we meet a girl named Francine she wears a brown pinafore dress and has sage green laced lingerie underneath she has insect like wings and a stinger she is half human half insect like alien she has red hair and dark greenish skin along with light greenish nipples. then we meet Abigail she is half human half reptilian alien with scaly cyan colored skin and a reptilian tail she would wear a pair of overalls and nothing else she has big breasts and violet eyes plus reddish hair. then we meet a girl named Barbara she has a furry body along with dog like ears and a fluffy tail she would wear a dark magenta kimono along with a white cotton bandage cloth chest binder and a white loincloth underneath plus black fishnet stockings she has big breasts she is a werewolf and a sword master.

  139. we later meet a girl named Camilla she has four arms and four legs she is mutant and she wears nothing but a gray cloak she has long black hair and big breasts along with dark brown skin and light brown eyes she is also a exhibitionist/ nudist and would expose her body to the world often. we also meet a girl named Clementine kissoffs she is half human half angel has angelic wings and a halo she wears a white toga with a silver chain mail bikini like armor underneath and sandals she has blonde hair and white skin along with big breasts she has a female harpy friend named Debra who is covered in yellow feathers on her upper body and black feathers on her lower body she has auburn hair along with greenish eyes and big breasts she also lays eggs every nine weeks or so.

  140. we also meet Bridget she has six fingers on her right hand and six fingers on her left hand along with six toes on her right foot and six toes on her left one she has light brown or tanned skin and with brownish hair and big breasts plus a big ass.

  141. we later meet a girl named Cordelia she has detachable prosthetic limbs she is a cyborg and she is naked has big breasts and olive colored skin plus black hair along with electronic fake blue eyes. then we meet a girl named Gwen she is a gigantic cyclops she is quite buff and she has big breasts her one eye is turquoise colored she would wear a black catsuit. then we meet a girl named Jessica she has yellow glowing eyes and cat like scleroses she has big breasts she would wear a dark blue one piece school swimsuit along with a light blue hoodie plus red hair.

  142. we also see Jessica has nine tails which she quite prehensile and can grab objects to throw at her enemies. then we meet a girl named Leslie she has wings growing from her head which she can use to fly and she wears a pink french maid outfit along with light blue striped panties underneath she has big breasts and brown hair plus tanned skin.

  143. we later meet a humanoid hermaphrodite alien named Maricela she has light greenish skin and this alien has big breasts is very tall also has a large penis she has pubic hair that is pinkish in color along with pinkish armpit hair and pinkish chest hair her hair is pink she is naked when at her home but when outside she wears a brown trench coat and specially designed black scrotal lingerie and has a special designed white one piece slingshot swimsuit for the beach or pool.

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