It was the loli all along. We should have known.
She doesn’t appear to be on the best of terms with Satsuki. I’m going to guess that Satsuki has mommy issues, and this girl plays a part in them. Satsuki actually appears to be rooting for Ryuuko in this fight.
Obviously Ryuuko has to lose though, or the show would be over. Perhaps Nudist Beach’s bullet will end up in a different target.
This girl is apparently superpowerful, so I find it hard to see how Ryuuko could possibly win. Once you defeat one set of enemies you need stronger ones.
I do appreciate how they used the whole arc with green-haired sword boy powering up just so they could have this loli wipe the floor with him.
Further Thoughts
Oh, teacher… you could draw my attention all day.
Best scene of the episode. Mako and Gamagoori make a hilarious combination.
Continued use of very creative fanservice. Wow those things can jiggle.
Noooo….! All those poor instruments! Who would do such a terrible thing?!!!
Had to fit this screenshot in somehow.
Yeah it was a pretty fun episode. I had the most fun with the music, since they just went all out this time around. I also agree whole heartedly that the sidebar segment all have wonderful chemistry with each other. Nonon is an asshole, Inmouta is pretentious, Gamagori is way too into all of this, and Mako is god’s gift to humanity. I maintain that this show needs a “Make and Gamagori Comedy Hour” Spin-off.
My post is here (
Yes. Mako and Gamagoori comedy hour. I want this too.
Yesterday’s foe, today’s friend.
It’s great to see Mako sat together with the Elite Four and conversed naturally.
Please, Gamagoori, you has to date her.
My English is dead.
But draggle’s blog doesn’t have edit button.
Sorry, I understood what you meant.
Oh my god, I can just imagine Gamagoori and Mako dating… It would be perfect. Please let this actually happen.