A bunch of weirdos work as civil servants. Nothing to do with SM like I originally expected.
It find it challenging to talk about comedies. Either something’s funny or it’s not. And if you have to explain why it isn’t funny anymore. So there isn’t much to say.
Well, as you probably guessed, Servant x Service is funny.
Most of the humor focuses on the characters’ odd quirks. For example, one girl has a long name, one guy is an obsessive pseudo-stalker, and the boss is a stuffed rabbit. Surprisingly, the characters’ relationships actually grow over time (well, a little bit). That’s unusual for a comedy.
It’s nice to see a show about working adults for once, too. Sometimes I get sick of all the stupid kids.
- Storytelling – B – Funny.
- Voice – B – Working adults, hooray!
- Characters – B – Unique with good relationships. Chihaya is the best, FYI.
- Attention Grab – B – Kept me laughing throughout.
- Production – B – Nothing spectacular.
- Overall – B-
Recommendations – Working, Hataraku Maou-sama
2 thoughts on “Servant x Service Review — B-”