Again? Come on. Is every girl Kirito meets going to fall in love with him?
But no, “I caaaannn’ttt heeeeaaaaar yoooouuuu!!!!” Come on, seriously? Falling from the sky, a confession? This is just like Eureka Seven! Except they’re characters we know and care little about, they are probably going to die when they hit the ground, and they evade the confession with the oldest and lamest cop out in the book.
It doesn’t help that this girl just met Kirito a day ago. And why did she fall in love with him? Because he defeated a dragon and showed her a beautiful sunset. This is just insulting to everyone involved.
Furthermore, her greatest ambition is to become a stay-at-home wife. Although I guess this beats Asuna’s goal of a shared bank account. Sword Art Online’s idea of romance does not exactly lend itself to a compelling love triangle.
Of course, the show’s biggest problem is that Kirito has no personality whatsoever. The only thing that distinguishes him is that he has ridiculous powers for no apparent reason. And no, “beater” is not a personality trait. I envision Kirito as secretly looking down on every other person he meets. The way he gives his coy smile and treats everyone else like a child is infuriating. But apparently that passes for wisdom among MMO players since he can defeat a dragon single-handedly. As everyone knows, might makes right.
Look how high he can jump! It doesn’t even matter if the dragon is flying, Kirito can still kill it. At least if the silly womenfolk mending the shop stay out of the way.
Later on, Asuna appears and the new girl just gives up. Come on, did she have any motivation in the first place? I guess it’s a good thing that Kirito didn’t hear if she loves him this deeply.
I’ve actually been meaning to write a post about just this. I guess I need to get around to getting a blog up and running 😡
Do it!
Yeah, Kirito is probably going to replace Yuji Sakai for me as poster boy for the “all action, no personality” characters that I hate with a passion. Definitely one of the most boring characters I’m following this season, and living proof that just because a character is badass doesn’t make him fun.
He’s a horrible character. I think the part that makes badass characters fun is their wildness, for example, everyone in Baccano, Alucard and Anderson. Kirito definitely isn’t wild. He’s just a boring kid who power leveled. Lame.
I miss the old days, where the girl/androgynous guy of the week died at the end of each episode. At least then the writers had an excuse to use flat, cliche dialogue in a way that wasn’t too boring.
Pretty much. I wish they would return to this format and kill off Kirito.
Seriously, who’s bright idea was it to start SAO with SEVEN side story episodes? Director needs to be fired like Total Eclipse’s.
“Oh, don’t worry the plot starts next episode…” Yeah, no. I dropped Accel World for this (same creator too) but honestly I should have sticked with Guilty Crown-lite than Harem Art Online. Even Yuki Kajiura’s music is disappointing, it’s like someone else is using her name or she’s pretty tired after Fate/Zero, but I do like SAO’s ED theme a lot. All I’ve learned so far is that everyone’s stuck in an online world and Kirito does cool things and catches girls like they’re Pokemon. Dropped.
it not going to be a harem all the girls beside lizbeth wont be in the main story
It makes no sense to me why they thought all these side stories would be a good idea. We’re already annoyed at this show and the main story hasn’t even started yet! I’ll be amazed if the rest of this series is as good as it is supposed to be.
I’m sticking with Accel World at the moment too, and it also continues to be terrible.
So is this series good or not? (do you enjoy it?)
Also I think the reason every girl is falling in love with him is because of his badass longcoat. (it is awesome ^_^).
That would be the most logical explanation. It’s definitely not because of his personality.
No, I’m not really enjoying it at the moment.
well that it the main story will begin next week and we will have great action and great fight
Excellent. Let’s see if it delivers…
they did the side story of lizbeth becouse she will apear later in the main plot as part of the main characters
Ah, cool. So at least one of these side stories was not pointless!
I can mosly say LN is so much better than this, this anime is really too rushing.
LN is masterpiece what I know.
I can’t see how this is bad, they fall in love with Kirito becuase he is different from everyone, he treated virtual reality as reality.
Kirito even save Liz for dying, we know that he got more HP than Liz, when he fall down by holding her like that, the falling damage will definely decrease and Kirito lose more HP.
Accel World and Sword Art Online is such a good novels, don’t know why people quiting at Accel World.
What I can see here so far that Sword Art Online is rushing, hope they can stop that when continue on main story next weekend.
If you have not start reading the novel yet, you should start.
Ah maybe I should start a blog like this as well just for fun.
P.S: I was only try looking for Kirito Sword Art Online picture and I found your blog at the top lol.
I quit Accel World because I hate the entire concept. Fat loser kid is just given a power without working for it and it instantly betters his life with no cost? Why the hell would I like that?
As for SAO, I really don’t think it’s the rushing of source material that’s the problem. The plot elements themselves suck. I fail to see how Kirito is better in the novels.
Pretty much my thoughts on Accel World (plus a ton of other relatively minor complaints).
I don’t think they’re moving too slowly. I kind of feel like they’re on the border of moving too fast, actually. I’m starting to get bored.
Maybe this was the case in the light novel, but it sure doesn’t seem that way in the anime. There is nothing that makes Kirito stand out in this regard from any of the other players.
Do it!
wasn’t the main story about escaping from SAO world or something whats going on?
Apparently the main story is going to start *next* episode!
@draggle here the next episode titles of the main story:
episode 9:Blue-Eyed Demon
episode 10:Crimson Killing Intent
looks like the main story will be very intresting with those kind of titles
Reminding me of Ao no Exorcist here…
you also think episode 9 and 10 of the main story sound more intresting then episode 8 by the titles?
I don’t even remember what episode 8 is called. In general I’m not convinced the titles can tell you very much about how an episode’s going to turn out, just give you a vague idea sometimes of the main events. Demons and killing intent do sound like a step up from what we’ve seen so far though.
the title of episode 8 is: black and white sword dance
here the preview for the next episode do you think it going to be good by that preview/.
We encounter a bunny rabbit, Asuna cooks Kirito dinner, and they have some sort of duel… No, I’m not looking forward to this much. Especially the cooking segment, that is going to be awful.
@draggle it looks like they saved the boss battle for episode 9 according to the title “blue eyed demon” becouse in the light novel the boss is realy a demon so it will be big fight so look fowaerd to it.also the reason for the dual in episode 8 is to show the power of kirito sword which he got from liz
Yep, you were right about the boss battle in episode 9.
since asuna sword is white and kirito is black i think the episode will be about them
Yep, agree.
the preview for episode 8 is here
“I envision Kirito as secretly looking down on every other person he meets. The way he gives his coy smile and treats everyone else like a child is infuriating.” I smiled when Kirito patted Liz on her head when they arrived at the Dragon’s place. But then again, the other characters are so dumbed down that I would most probably treat them the same way if I were in Korito’s place.
For some reason this has been my favourite episodes of SAO yet (which isn’t a lot of praise). Liz’ facial expressions were really cute. I also tend to root for the loosing side anyways. Liz was also the first blacksmith in any media franchise who wears a dress w/ a huge white ribbon on her back. I was wondering about practicality until I learned how swords are forged in SAO!
^ The above comment is from me – I forgot to enter my name 😉 It’s too sunny and hot here…
You have an excellent point here. But then again, if I were the other characters, I would pat Kirito on the head like a little kid too.
I think my favorite episode of SAO was the first one, and it was all downhill since then. This episode was definitely better than the last two with the murder mystery, and not much worse than any of the other episodes.
@draggle it looks like they saved the boss battle for episode 9 according to the title “blue eyed demon” becouse in the light novel the boss is realy a demon so it will be big fight so look fowaerd to it.also the reason for the dual in episode 8 is to show the power of kirito sword which he got from liz