The Week in Anime, Winter 2014 #3


Wake Up Girls: I’m with bro.

Golden Time: I want to kill all these people. Tada Banri keeps apologizing for no reason, and saying meaningless BS like how he wants to live, as if he has solved some major problem. Linda beats the crap out of Tada Banri in broad daylight because he invited Yana to come to their club. How terrible. Their club, which is the “festival club.” What a bullshit club. Is its only purpose to invite losers who can’t figure out how to go to parties in college without joining a club to do so? Then it gets worse, when Oka sees Tada Banri talking to Linda, accusing him of cheating on Koko and betraying Yana. When Koko told him to talk to Linda, and he was trying to hook up Linda with Yana. Jesus. With friends like these, I’m starting to sympathize with Tada Banri being such a wuss and preemptively apologizing all the time. 

I think that my problem with Golden Time is, all the characters feel fake and their relationships so superficial. They act all chummy like they’re best friends, but they really know very little about one another. They’re all self-centered and there’s this anger boiling under the surface which they’re just covering up with their pitch-perfect polite Japanese mannerisms. In short, I’m not convinced any of these people genuinely like each other.

Log Horizon: MINORI is in a love triangle with Shiroe and Akatsuki? Um, please, no. They are both literally TWICE her age. And we are supposed to take her as a serious rival. No freaking way. Especially when she catches Akatsuki patting Shiroe’s head and breaks down in tears. Oh come on…


Hamatora: Needs to be gayer.

Nourin: That last episode with the teacher was terrible. It was so bad that even Classy was just sitting there in disbelief. Not funny. Not even stupid funny. Just stupid.

Mikakunin de Shinkoukei: I have been really surprised at how much I’ve liked this show. But then again Marow hates it so that probably explains things.

Noragami: Yukine is a dick. But it’s an hilariously awful portrayal of him being a dick. I mean, stealing the money for the orphans? Come on… there is barely any money in there anyway. Plus it’s just laughably evil. Still, for all of Yukine’s sins, it seems silly to say he should be killed for stealing some small change and a skateboard. Plus, Yato is setting an awful example as an authority figure.

Hoozuki no Reitetsu: This just bores me for some reason. Since the first episode, I’ve never been able to pay attention the whole way through.




Let’s ride the Hollywood Freeway to Boston! Oh and during our three day trip to America, let’s drive back and forth from Boston to Lake Huron. Where we’ll meet everyone we know from Japan in some random diner on the side of the road. And once we get there, let’s immediately leave to go get some maple syrup. Because in Canada, you always need to have a good supply of maple syrup in your living room.

Nobunaga da Foo: I could have sworn the loli princess died a couple weeks ago? Somehow she’s fine now though. Well, she is one of the better characters. Although when the main competition is Ranmaru that’s not saying much. Seriously, how do you turn Jean d’ Arc into such a wuss. This show is surprisingly boring considering its wacky premise.

Nisekoi: We get it, the master assassin is actually a weak girl who needs a MAN to take charge. Can we please forget about the main character and his girlfriends and get back to Ruri.

2 thoughts on “The Week in Anime, Winter 2014 #3

  1. Golden Time: The characters are laughable and unbelievable. It has been it’s flaw ever since the beginning. I facepalmed hard when Banri and Koko performed some weird dances and announced in loud voices that they are going to do it for the first time in Paris, back then. I can’t imagine any real person doing that.

    Log Horizon: just when I thought that it was a great anime, with the dynamic between players and NPC, it shoved this love triangle crap at me.

    I haven’t watched the latest episode of Nourin, but the previous one is probably the funniest anime episode of current season. It was when the main characters turned chubby from overeating, and they went into denial that those are muscles. Also the big boobs girl cried that nobody wants to marry her now, and the guy commented, “No prob, you’re already pregnant.” It has been a while since I laughed out loud by myself.

    1. Yeah. Every time anyone speaks in Golden Time I facepalm.

      I wouldn’t mind love triangles— I rather enjoy the love story with the princess and the armor guy— but a love triangle with a loli? No thanks.

      I think you’re several episodes behind on Nourin now. Yeah, that chubby episode was hilarious. It’s had some really funny episodes, but then it goes and has one like the latest episode…

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