Toaru Hikuushi e no Koiuta 07 — Death Flag Overload


Jesus. How many death flags did they have to trigger to kill off this guy. It’s been what, two straight episodes of death flags now? Plus the only reason he’s dead is that the admiral is completely incompetent. Seriously. Somebody please fire this guy. He isn’t fit to lead himself to work every day, much less to command an entire fleet.

The death had no emotional impact whatsoever since we’d been expecting it for so long. We’d already been mourning for him for two episodes. So when he finally dies it’s mostly just a relief that we can finally go on to something else.


Plus, it doesn’t help that we go from him dying to the instructor catching the girl in midair while she parachutes into the sea. Pretty hilarious in how it defies all the laws of physics. Unless they shot down those two planes while hovering in place, in which a slight gust of wind and the girl would get chopped by those blades. Let’s assume the instructors aren’t that stupid and that merely the laws of physics do not exist in any state near the way we know them in our own world.


Also Ka’el is a moron. Nothing new there though.


At least he’s not as stupid as this girl. Yet somehow she ends up actually being partially right. Just goes to show how dumb this show really is.

Oh, and it turns out ERU-ERUFU is actually Claire’s bodyguard. Guess that explains why all he does is lurk around and look mysterious?

Here’s to more people dying next episode. Cheers!

2 thoughts on “Toaru Hikuushi e no Koiuta 07 — Death Flag Overload

  1. At least shit blew up this time around, and it looks like more gunfire and ‘splosions next episode as well. Here’s hoping that Fausto guy buys it next. And then maybe all the other superfluously annoying characters, that’d be good. I don’t really care about the characters, as long as this aerial combat keeps up I’ll be on board.

    It would have been so much better if both of the pilots had just gone down in flames while declaring their love for each other or something. Now we’ll have to deal with pointless scenes of the girl angsting over the dead guy. And then she’ll probably survive the series and end things by looking off into the sunset and declaring that she’ll live on in memory of the dead guy or something similar to the usual bullshit pathos anime likes to pull.

    1. True. Shit blowing up is always an improvement. And I’m praying for blondie to get offed next as well. The dogfights are one of the cooler parts of this show.

      You raise an excellent point. Now that the girl survived we’re in for angst and crying about the dead guy for the rest of the anime. Shit.

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