Cute girls ride motorcycles.
From the description, I thought this would be a waste of time. But it turned out to be one of the best shows of the season. That’s mainly because of its great sense of humor. It reminds me a bit of Sabagebu in the way it took cute girls doing some moderately obscure activity and just ran away with it. It doesn’t waste time doing anything that isn’t funny. They managed to even make the fanservice hilarious.
It’s funny. Not much else to say. One of the best shows of the season, give it a watch.
- Storytelling – A – Excellent humor.
- Voice – B – Unique feel, especially with the club dynamics.
- Characters – B – No one is a caricature, especially loved Hane’s simplicity.
- Attention Grab – A – Wasn’t bored for a second.
- Production – B – Looks fine.
- Overall – B+
Recommendations – Sabagebu, Milky Holmes, Nichijou
I thought this was one of the best shows of the season until that dreadful road trip episode with the sexually abusive teacher. It recovered somewhat towards the end, but that godawful 22 minutes was pretty unforgivable.
Ok I’d pushed that out of my mind, that was terrible.