Category Archives: Guilty Crown

Guilty Crown 16 — Beyond Good and Bad

There’s a point where a show is so bad it’s good. Guilty Crown is way past that point.

The creators of Guilty Crown are trolls. At this point, no other hypothesis makes sense. No one could possibly come up with something so stupid unintentionally. If I were to give the creators the benefit of the doubt and assume that they tried to make a good show, I could only conclude that humanity is irredeemably stupid. Continue reading Guilty Crown 16 — Beyond Good and Bad

Guilty Crown 13 — There’s a Void in my Brain, Inori

This week, my songwriting ambitions reach new heights as I present my latest musical arrangement, a soaring rendition of the classic ballad, “There’s a Hole in my Bucket.” The lyrics are accompanied by fine works of art provided by Foshiizzel from Metanorn. (If you don’t already read his posts, go check them out!)

If you’re wondering why this post is so late, it’s because Foshiizzel and I were trying to recruit a duo of professional musicians to bring this piece to life with the love it so dearly deserves. Unfortunately, the plans fells apart at the last minute, so you’ll have to sing to yourself (on a related note, if any readers do enjoy singing, please contact me).

There’s a Void in my brain, Inori, Inori,
There’s a Void in my briain, Inori, a Void.
Have Gai shoot you, dear Shuu, dear Shuu, dear Shuu.
Have Gai shoot you, dear Shuu, dear Shuu, shoot you. Continue reading Guilty Crown 13 — There’s a Void in my Brain, Inori