Haru, an alien, arrives from outer space and moves in with Yuki, an extremely shy boy. Haru has come to Earth to go fishing, and he needs Yuki’s help. Together, Yuki and friends work together to catch the fish and to save the world. Continue reading Tsuritama Review — B+
Tag Archives: tsuritama
Tsuritama 12 — It’s Raining Fish
Well, that was a quirky ending, as befits a quirky show. Continue reading Tsuritama 12 — It’s Raining Fish
Tsuritama 11 — The Goddess and Her Companion
There is no Goddess but Goddess, and He is female and His name is Yuki. Continue reading Tsuritama 11 — The Goddess and Her Companion
Tsuritama 10 — Yoga
That explains everything about how the Indian guy who eats nothing but curry can defeat four grown men in rubber suits without break a sweat. No, Japan is not racist at all. What are you talking about? Continue reading Tsuritama 10 — Yoga
Tsuritama 09 — Duck!
The greatest villains ever. Continue reading Tsuritama 09 — Duck!