Bungou Stray Dogs Review — C

Famous authors with magical powers fight in gang wars.

It wasn’t bad. It also wasn’t particularly good. It’s very similar to Kekkai Sensen in that there are a bunch of crazy characters with magical powers fighting to save the city. The “twist” (if you want to call it that) is that the characters are all famous authors.

This part was especially lame. For example, F. Scott Fitzgerald’s power is “The Great Fitzgerald”, and with it he spends money to gain more power as he cries about his wife. Melville has a giant blimp named Moby Dick. Lovecraft is a creep. You get the idea. Thematically, naming everyone after writers added nothing. I suspect the author just did it to help him come up with names and powers.

Some of the characters were entertaining, like the little girl above, but there were so many people that nobody got much time to shine. Excluding the main character, who was probably the most boring.

Mostly, I’ve already forgotten what happened. It was very similar to Kekkai Sensen in this regard too.

  • Storytelling – C – Little to make you actually care.
  • Voice – B – It does have some sense of style.
  • Characters – C – Lots of them, dumb author theme.
  • Attention Grab – C – Not boring. Not exciting.
  • Production – B – Looks fine.
  • Overall – C

Recommendations – Kekkai Sensen, Durarara

3 thoughts on “Bungou Stray Dogs Review — C

  1. This is what it looks like when someone who’s never read a book tries to review a show about literature, I guess. The lazy, flaccid, embarrassingly shallow takes here are so empty that I’d almost be impressed if I thought more than two minutes of effort went into writing them, which I think must still be about four times as much effort as you put into watching. Like, I’m sorry you don’t read or think, but that’s your personal problem? Every character in this show is densely referential to the authors they’re named after, every ability relates in an interesting way to the author and their works, and every bit of characterization is inspired by (or occasionally subversive in regards to) the authors and their works. The point of Fitzgerald’s power is that despite the insane amount of money he has AND an ability to literally consume it directly to exert his will over the world, the only things that actually matter to him can never be obtained with it, and if you don’t see how that relates to The Great Gatsby at all, I have to assume you’ve never read it, or even… like… read a summary of it. I was going to go on about the other dumb shit you said, but I realized I’ve just hit the point where I’ve wasted more time responding to someone who’s too ignorant and arrogant to be reasoned with than you spent writing the joke of a “review” I’m mad about right now, so I guess we’re done here. Hopefully the last few years have been kind to your mental and emotional development, but I definitely won’t be putting any money on that. Have a nice life, or… don’t, which seems a lot more likely.

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