Noragami and Noragami Aragoto Review — C+


A cheapskate god and his whiny brat of a sword fight monsters.

The first season was a frustrating watch, due to the main focus being a whiny teenager with self-identity issues. It was painful. He kept doing completely idiotic things. Like somebody tells him to stop being a selfish jerk and he goes and robs a skateboard store in revenge. And he keeps making the same dumb mistakes over and over and over again.


Fortunately by the end of the season they got over this, and the second season was a marked improvement. There were two larger story arcs, as opposed to the monster of the week type format of the previous season, and things were much more interesting without the whiny kid whining all the time. The first arc was great, the second one was kind of strange, as the main focus was some character we hardly knew anything about, even when we were mostly through with the arc.

There wasn’t much of a resolution, and they’re clearly setting things up with a sequel (no idea if they’ll actually get one).

Rating: C+ (C range for season 1, B range for season 2)

Note: I decided to get rid of the review subcategories. They were pointless.

Recommendations – Kamichu, Kyoukai no Kanata, Tokyo Ravens

9 thoughts on “Noragami and Noragami Aragoto Review — C+

  1. >> Note: I decided to get rid of the review subcategories. They were pointless.

    I liked them! They made me think everytime. Maybe they weren’t the best subcategories, but they were definitely useful for me.

    Also, I liked the first season of Noragami. I almost hated Yukine, but I think this was intended and it was solved in a good way.

    1. Hm… I will think about it some more. How were they useful to you? I kind of assumed everyone was just skipping them since they’re so repetitive.

  2. “Note: I decided to get rid of the review subcategories. They were pointless.”

    Put em back. Your reviews are already strapped for content as is.

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