Category Archives: Kokoro Connect

Kokoro Connect 12 — Overthrowing Death

Once again we are exposed to the principalities and powers. Yui’s friend confronts her over the fact that she has abandoned karate, when she had promised to become the champion. Now, Yui’s life has no purpose. Without a purpose, of course, Yui’s life is meaningless.

As we’ve discussed before, this idea of a meaningless life is rooted in the fear of death. Continue reading Kokoro Connect 12 — Overthrowing Death

Kokoro Connect 10 — A Brief Summary of Paul’s Letter to the Romans

 All have sinned and fall short of the glory of God. — Romans 4:23

Inaba is a worthless failure. But she has the courage to confess this and to recognize her enormous faults. She recognizes the power sin has over her, which is the first step to exorcising it. Confession is an essential component in the life of the church. Continue reading Kokoro Connect 10 — A Brief Summary of Paul’s Letter to the Romans

Kokoro Connect 09 — Repent, for the Kingdom of God is at Hand

This week’s episode is all about repentance. Taichi apologizes to Iori and Aoki. Aoki apologizes to Taichi and Yui. Yui apologizes to everyone.

I’ve been drawing connections to Christianity throughout this series of posts. This week is too easy: repentance was one of the major themes of Jesus’ ministry. The idea of repentance is tightly coupled with another idea we’ve discussed previously: the kingdom of God. Repentance and the kingdom go hand in hand. Continue reading Kokoro Connect 09 — Repent, for the Kingdom of God is at Hand