Yesterday, my SAO fanfiction (the first chapter) was given an excellent dramatic reading by Syy for the Ani-Divided live podcast. Check it out!
Hearing it read aloud is even better than reading it. Perhaps what this needs is an audiobook version… Thanks to Syy for reading the story and telling me about it! I apologize to those on the podcast for whom I ruined SAO, although I prefer to think of it as an improvement.
Do you know that SAO anime ran into trouble in Taiwan, because of the raep scene?
And they didn’t even animate chapter 10.5!
Lol. I’m not entirely surprised, that scene was pretty awful. I thought the violence was worse than the rape though, especially with how Kirito enjoys torturing the guy as much as physically possible, all while he is portrayed as being “heroic”. That’s not heroism, that’s torture.
I was listening to their podcast! It was really good and grats on the shoutout haha
I saw, they mentioned you haha!