Guilty Crown’s Infectious Stupidity — Eleven Days of Advent and One Day of Christmas #12

Anyone who has been reading this blog for the past year would know that at least one of my entries for the year’s top twelve moments in anime would necessarily involve Guilty Crown. Guilty Crown was one of the most entertaining series of the year, and the one I had the most fun blogging.

It was hard to pick a single moment from this series that stood out, with candidates like:

  • Ouma Shuu becoming Hitler and ruling the school,
  • Ouma Shuu attempting to drown his best friend,
  • “It’s not discrimination, it’s distinction!”
  • Riding into battle on Segways,
  • Iori transforming into Wolverine,
  • Ouma Shuu losing his hand,
  • and many, many, many more.

In the end, I decided to pick Ouma Shuu becoming Jesus and dying to take away the cancer of the world. Check out the summary in musical form, as sung by AJTheFourth of Altair and Vega!

These musical posts were my favorites to make this past year (coming in second would be the SAO fanfictions). Here is a complete list of the musical posts:

Thanks again to everyone who participated and sung! You all sounded wonderful!

5 thoughts on “Guilty Crown’s Infectious Stupidity — Eleven Days of Advent and One Day of Christmas #12

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